Receiving Salary in Current Account

I don’t actually know but I suspect it’s either nobody got around to updating it everywhere with the external provider or a paperwork reason. :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s a pain to do it once you get quite big. The Companies House form is quite complicated too…

I have no idea which account my pay will end up in tomorrow. As long as it arrives in either my old or new one, I’ll be happy!

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I love instant notifications. Its a significant reason for using Monzo. I have just moved over to the current account and have an issue with the notifications showing the amount.

With the pre-paid card they just showed small purchases - “£10 at Tesco” but today for the first time my salary arrived in the middle of the day when my phone was sitting on my desk in front of other staff. The notification clearly showed “£xxxx from Company Blah” and this could have been pretty embarrassing!

A current account will have notifications pop up anytime day or night showing how much I get paid, direct debits that show much council tax I pay and so on. I now realize I have to guard my phone much more closely since unlike with pre-paid card spending I never know when in the day salary may arrive and the amounts are much bigger. This is a pain.

Please could we have the option in the app to have “slimmed down” notifications, eg “Payment to Tesco” rather than “£10 at Tesco”. Maybe just slimmed down notifications for incoming payments?

Is this being considered? Anyone else had this problem?

Many thanks,



I’ve moved your post here as Leonard’s raised this concern in this topic too. Fortunately, Hugo’s mentioned that there’s a solution on the way :sweat_smile:


Possible solutions:

  • keep phone in pocket
  • place phone face down on table
  • turn notifications off
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These are workarounds not solutions. I want notifications and I dont want to have to remember to hide my phone. Thats what cheating people spend their lives doing. :frowning:

I really don’t think this is programatically difficult to implement. This is just a request to the Monzo programmers.

I would say they are solutions. A workaround implies the system is not working as intended and through a different method or chain of steps will get you to the same point. Notifications have always included the value in the incoming and outgoing transactions. What you want is a feature request :grinning:


The solution to wanting notifications but not wanting others to see them is to not leave your phone lying around.

Perhaps Monzo can enable user selection of a notification or type / detail is something else. For example, Salary recieved versus Salary of £3,000 recieved

Maybe have a toggle for not displaying amounts for credits. It’s useful for spend, but for credits is just nice to know there’s been activity.


Can you control what you want to hide using your phone’s settings? eg either hide the preview/detail for the Monzo app, or disable lock screen notifications altogether. I can do this on my phone (Android/MIUI), but not sure if you can change this on an app-by-app basis on iOS.

Most of my apps are set only to display notifications on the status bar (Badges), some more important ones as floating notifications, and stuff I want to see at all times on the Lock Screen including the full text.

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Maybe I’m just weird but I really don’t care about people seeing my finances? I regularly give people my phone with the current account app open to demonstrate how cool Monzo is.

However, I do understand people are different. Perhaps there is a way to hide amounts for certain merchants?


I guess you are not working :wink:


I’m a freelancer and student

:+1: Lucky you - But you perhaps you will change your mind if you got into a typical office environment.
I always leave my phone on my desk or if in a meeting on the table, as much as I like Ka-ching definitely don’t want others to know how much it is :slight_smile:

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Don’t know with IOs but with android you can hide sensitive notifications. Surely this is enough.



Problem with this is that it will hide info on all notifications from Monzo - I guess solution could be custom notification where users can choose to block notifications from certain senders

iOS 11 - What about the Show Previews option at the bottom of the :monzo: Notifications entry? Change to When Unlocked?


I don’t see the issue in all honesty. If I want to glance and see what notifications are, I put my finger on main button which is fingerprint and unlock my phone. If it warrants action I’ll tap notification, if it doesn’t I press same button (lock phone) and put back in pocket. Fraction of a second.

If I don’t need to check, then it doesn’t matter. Probably just better that everything is hidden.

Aren’t we asking highly specific, niche granularity from Monzo which you don’t get, and wouldn’t even be an issue, on other apps?


yuh - i like knowing the amount and no one ever sees my phone.

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