Really disappointing customer service!

Thanks for all the replies, I love Monzo by the way just a bit disappointed they couldn’t have been more helpful on the phone at least just confirming that she is using incorrect e-mail address rather than just saying you failed security, end of conversation and leaving her thinking well what do I do?. I do however understand the security concerns here and they can not be too careful.

To confirm, you guys were right it was down to using the wrong e-mail address and appears that she might have two Monzo accounts using two different e-mail addresses which is why we didn’t get a error at the e-mail stage of login in and convinced us that her main e-mail address was the correct one. Not sure what’s going on there.

Anyway back up and running and we didn’t have to make a trip to a actual bank :sweat_smile:

Customer services did continue to respond to us via e-mail offering further help so well done and thank you.


I for sure clicked login and when entering a 3rd e-mail that she never uses I did get a message saying this e-mail is not registered or something to that effect. So it appears that she has two Monzo accounts and one is associated to her current phone and the other not. It was however down to using the wrong e-mail but as we were using her main e-mail address and we were not getting any errors it threw us off.

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Thanks for letting everyone know it’s now sorted! :+1: