Prototyping A [Monzo] Connected Piggy Bank

Stuart Taylor’s created this neat integration with the Monzo API which tells children about their recent account activity.

Pig eBank is a piggy bank, but rather than containing physical coins, it is connected to an online bank account.

And here’s how he made it -

This has also been shared on Hacker News in a post with the same title as the Medium post’s.


This is great! I cam imagine lots of parents really liking this as an add on to a child’s bank account especially for your children.

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I really liked the prototype, however, it also needs some way for the child to actually spend the money I.e. come with a prepay debit card or something?

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It’s not possible for a child to apply for a Monzo card yet but Tom’s comments on this sound promising -

This product got some more :heart: from Monzo yesterday when Bailey included it in her pitch at Contagious

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So Stuart’s now finished version 2 of the Pig eBank & it’s looking like the most complete product I’ve seen, that’s been built using the Monzo API so far :heart_eyes:

He’s already built (savings) Pots :eyes: & now the pig responds to voice commands :boom:

Simon’s a fan too!


That is amazing!!


I love this!! Are there plans to release in any way?

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Hahaha, this is brilliant. It looks so cute too with the ears!

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This is seriously cool. The bit at the end put a big smile on my face. The stuff people are doing with Monzo is truly incredible.

What is the cut off age for having one of these? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yeah, my thoughts too. This is far too good for my kids :laughing: