Prosper Wealth Management Chat

@WillsT introduced me to these today, and there’s no thread for them here yet so I thought I’d start one, because they’ve piqued my interest and completely captured my attention. Particularly their investments products (GIA/ISA/Pensions).

I’m very seriously considering moving my nutmeg pension over to them. Especially with that founder member promotion meaning there are no platform fees, and the vanguard fees are refunded. Obviously a customer acquisition tool, but very attractive. Ends in one week though.

Great selection of funds to begin with, and it can only get better from here.


Is it worth moving SIPP hmm. They still use BlackRock I think.

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Blackrock options are there if you want them. Don’t have to put your money in them. I won’t be.

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Ah good!

Think they push Blackrock mind you.

Ah might as well transfer the pension over, wish me luck!

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There’s a good initial range to choose from. Not all are in the offer though, think it’s just vanguard life strategy and a few others that are. But they even have things like Scottish Mortgage Trust. Allianz technology. A couple of pretty popular actively managed funds with exposure to private assets like spaceX.

Wish they had Polar Capital, and some BG ESG options. That would cement it for me.

How you know what funds are included in the free :eyes:

Guessing its these ones

Prosper — Funds when you tick SHOW ONLY FUNDS WITH FEE REFUNDS

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I don’t know why but I’m less confident about moving away from PensionBee//changing pension provider over I am banks.

Looks interesting but I think I’ll give them a little while before I commit.


Yes, those are the ones. If you are a Founding Member (i.e. open your account and start your transfer before 31/7/24) then you’ll get 0% platform fees whatever funds you choose but the ones you mention also have their OCF refunded annually.

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Guessing it’s all protected and stuff before I jump. So if I started transfer now then the offer is valid but only on the transferred amount. So my monthly contribution will be subject to fees

Yup. A shame none of the ESG ones are refunded, so I’m just here for the 0% platform fee.

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Yes - same FSCS protection as other investment platforms from what I can see.

That’s what I was told when I had quite a long conversation with them, yes.

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Given that the free bits are only on the amount you transfer this month, I don’t think you’d even notice it after a few years assuming that you continued to pay into the account.

In my case it’s an ISA that I’m transferring which is just a lump sum that I don’t intend adding to.

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Just so I’m understanding it right. The 0% platform fee is for life on the amount I transfer over? Not just the first year?

If I add money to it later, will the whole pot start paying the fee or just the new amount? Think I’m gonna need to drop them a message

That’s what I was told.

I was told that it would just be any additional amounts invested.

I think that’s a good idea for peace of mind :slight_smile:

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Late to the party. I can see they currently have two funds with 0% charge.

Have you tried the filter called ‘Offer’? when searching through their funds in the app? I can see quite a number with refunded fees - 15-20 or so

Oh excellent! Thanks

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Why don’t we like Blackrock?

I don’t think they tend to invest is very good companies.

For reference I cancelled my transfer and left it at Vanguard.

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