Pre-ordering authorising the full amount months in advance

I think you can be sure this will never happen.

Monzo have always made it a feature that you see your balance including all pendings, rather than having it change days after a transaction.


But unless Iā€™m missing something here it doesnā€™t matter who you bank with or how the balance is displayed, but your available balance will still be ~Ā£100 down so you still wonā€™t be able to buy anything with the money.

I guess without the preauth situation improving the best thing to do would be to make use of the overdraft facility. AFAIK you only pay fees on cleared transactions when youā€™re overdrawn not pending ones. Iā€™m sure someone else can confirm/deny this.


Thank god I seen this comment.
I was absolutely baffled when I paid for fuel at pump
the pump said competed and I drove off . But when the money never left and all it said is Ā£1 taken and waiting to collect i panicked. Thought I committed theft at a petrol station. Its absolutely bizzafe they canā€™t take that money and se it aside deduct from balance now im scared to use the card incase I donā€™t have funds left in it .
Reference for future pay at kioskšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø

Pretty sure you know how much fuel you put into the car, so manually work out whatā€™s coming out and donā€™t use that.

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The Ā£1 auth should have gone away everywhere by now I thought?.. it should authorise up to Ā£100 (or thereabouts) then confirm the transaction at the correct level within a few minutes. This was changed precisely because it was confusing and causing people issues (not to mention the fraud risk - steal a card, then go from petrol station to petrol station loading Ā£1 a time onto it). - section 4.11.1 on page 136.

as far as i know only Morrisons do this to dateā€¦

The Morrisonā€™s near me do Ā£1 auth, but it updates to the full amount within a minute or so of replacing the nozzle. Tesco also does Ā£1 auth and takes a few days to update the amount.

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Pretty ridiculous when the rules about this changed in 2017. Taking a few days isnā€™t acceptable, or even saneā€¦ itā€™s an online transaction.