Please Help! $account_id unknown



My account_id is unknown. I can’t send any requests! I thought it might just be on the playground but now my application is saying the same.

It suggests I refresh but every time I do, nothing changes.

Please help! I’ve spent hours trying to figure this out.

Thanks :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t know, but as no one has replied to your first thread also I’ll tag the @simon maybe he can help.

Have you tried re authenticating

Have you tried adding account_type as mentioned in ?

Thanks Kolok, I have tried reauthenticating. Nothing changes!

yes, this isn’t working either :frowning:

Have you tried logging out (and invalidating the access token) and re-starting again? I feel like the section at the top should show your account ID, and its absence makes me think you need to re-authenticate.

Can’t hurt to try?

Yeah it isn’t that either :confused: the first time I logged in, there was no Account ID

Weird. Did you join monzo when it was prepaid? I believe that occasionally causes trouble.

Nope! It’s really weird. My webapp is successfully getting an access token, but I can’t do anything without a account id!

Maybe message support for the account i.d. and also let them know about the bug, prob take a few hours to get a reply,

(Maybe try a different browser , I have absolutely no clue why that could help, but you never know.)

Hey Couple of things it could be… It could be you’re logging into the dev portal with an email that’s not your monzo account email, or it could be that you’re not substituting $account_id for your actual account id (the dev portal should do this, but might break sometimes)

Hi Simon,

Thanks for the reply. How can I find the $account)id if the dev portal isn’t doing it for me?

I think either the accounts endpoint or ping/whoami?

Yep, accounts endpoint:


Chuck the accounts URL into postman along with a header of Authorization: Bearer <access_token> and it’ll return what you want.

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It isn’t this unfortunately.

I get an array returned but it’s empty :confused:

Are you logging in with an email that’s associated with a Monzo account?

Hi Simon,

I feel so stupid! It turns out I was. I originally tried logging in with the correct email address but I never recieved an email from Monzo so assumed it must have therefore been my other address which did trigger an email.

Cheers for your help! :slight_smile: