Please bring back the old “card” screen

To be honest I think it’s my fault, my first post is quite harsh and obviously everyone else follows - I wouldn’t blame them. :slight_smile:

Also, TCB? What’s that?


Tiny Challenger Bank

The bank that shall not be named

ƃuᴉlɹɐʇS :upside_down_face:

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Ah I see. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Can I please bring this back to normality?

Senseless attacking of anyone in this community won’t be tolerated. Even if you strongly disagree with someone’s opinion, it’s not on. Just put together a well worded counter argument without calling anyone out, without being rude and without being disrespectful.

Remember to respond to content and not perceived tone.

This community is great - so let’s get back to positive engagement.

Edit: for me - that includes competitors. Competition is good in this market and it isn’t helpful to troll other challengers. But that might not be well received by some in the community… :thinking:


He usually contributes well on here I think it may have come across quite harsh but defo not maliciously intended imo



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Which is exactly why I responded to you as regards Andre’s post. He expressed an opinion. Yes, it may have been a little awkward, but having seen his posts on here over time I do not believe he was being malicious.

I think your comment above applies to your response to him.

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I asked that people aren’t rude. Referring to designers as interns in a derogatory way is rude - to both the designers at Monzo and interns. I wasn’t responding to tone, but to content.


Indeed, I also alluded to this in my response.

This topic seems to have got a little out of hand and I don’t feel your posts have helped. My opinion only. Not being rude.


I’ve edited my posts, sorry if I offended anyone, hopefully all will understand that my point is to provide feedback and hopefully get an improved design for next time. My post was written quite hastily right after upgrading and seeing (what I believe) is a disappointing design, quite different from what I’ve learned to expect from Monzo.


I agree with the original point of view, to me the new card screen (and especially the giant PIN button) looks a little clunky. The four-button version seemed a little more…elegant?

But intrigued as to how Pots will integrate.

And a new Mastercard logo would be nice :dizzy_face:

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I preferred the original rather than the revised PIN button that looks like it’s telling me how many months something can be stored in the freezer. But it’s my opinion and has not stopped me using the app. In the grand scheme of things it is minor.

I’m looking forward to pots functionality that will help me manage my money and hopefully save the change type stuff, cash back that’s been alluded to (not desperate for this) and looking forward to seeing how the CA app proper will develop.


LOL good one


How come the old MasterCard logo is used?

I think it has simply just not been updated. :monzo: Monzo were issuing cards with this logo as recently as September.

I know this probably won’t help, but I rather like the new card display screen on Android.

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I recently got a new card and noticed that MasterCard have changed their branding, would it be worth updating the branding on the app or is it not a big deal?

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Android has the new logo. Are you on iOS?


I’m pretty sure the CA preview app on iOS started off with new MasterCard logo, but at some point I’m sure it reverted back to the old :confused: or I’m crazy, it’s definitely the old logo now I’ve migrated too though.

Typical Monzo, putting Android first yet again :wink: