✅ Pixel 4 Face ID support? (Biometric API) (UPDATE : 21/11/19)

I got my Pixel4 today and have found that my monzo app requires no authentication to open, it’s not even asking for a pin in place of the finger print I used to use.
Any ideas?


The Monzo app doesn’t have a PIN lock to open it :slight_smile: That’s something we’re considering for the future though :sunglasses: (optionally) :+1:

It’s worth noting that the app is essentially ‘read only’ when you open it :slight_smile: You still need to enter your card’s PIN to send money to friends / setup bank transfers, view statements, etc. :pray:

In the future, we’d love to support Pixel 4’s shiny new face unlock though :sparkles:


Hi, I’m using a Google Pixel 4 XL, and I’ve noticed I can’t access Monzo with my face, does Monzo only support fingerprints as biometrics? The modern biometrics API shouldn’t require Monzo to do anything for it to work, I can login to the HMRC app with my face just fine. Kinda ironic considering it’s more secure than fingerprint, and it’s available on iOS. Is this issue something Monzo are aware of? Thanks!

This is what it looks like on the HMRC app. Maybe Monzo is using the old, now depreciated, fingerprint-only API. If so this is worrisome since that API hasn’t been supported for a couple of years. A modern, forward thinking bank such as Monzo should really be using the standard biometrics API.

EDIT: Just saw a post by a Monzo engineer saying support is coming soon! Love you Monzo!

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I moved your posts here :grin: just so they’re all in the right thread :sunglasses:

Hopefully it won’t be too long before we’re able to support this :ok_hand:


“Patiently” waiting for this. The single developer of Bitwarden was able to update his app within a couple of days, and if the HMRC(!) can make it happen in a timely manner then surely it’s child’s play for Monzo.

Must admit that I’m bemused by the fact that Monzo was even using a deprecated API for fingerprint auth in the first place. It’s been in that state for at least the last year…


As a Pixel 4 owner, not having an ETA for the new biometrics makes me a bit worried! I understand the percentage of Monzo users with the new Pixel is very low, but if LastPass and HMRC managed to add the new API this quick, I wonder how much longer Monzo will take to add it!

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Less worried, more disappointed as I would’ve assumed Monzo to be following best practices and keeping on top of API changes. Imagine if Starling, or worse, traditional banks beat Monzo to the punch!

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‘So what’ would be my response to that, to be honest. It would hardly merit front (or any other) page news. There’s no rule around ‘fastest developer’ in this game though too many people don’t seem to realise that.

To be honest it was meant somewhat tongue-in-cheek.

But seeing as you’re (sort of) asking: Being at the “cutting edge” of banking tech is what separates fintech banks from the others. Starling is Monzo’s biggest rival, so you’d imagine they’re racing to get the feature out first. Meanwhile, if the notoriously slow and stuck-in-their-ways traditional banks pip Monzo to the post… Well, that wouldn’t be a great look for a tech focused bank really, would it? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Isn’t the Pixel 4s Face ID not very secure at the moment? The eyes closed and it working issue is a real issue

It is as secure as the competition, unless you don’t trust the people you sleep with! :eyes:
Anyway I guess is better to have a “insecure” Face ID than not having any security at all!

Happily awaiting face unlock support!

Leas secure than the competition.

It’s not FaceID it’s face unlock. (I don’t believe they’re allowed to use that name). In any case it isn’t as good as faceid but it’s not necessarily insecure, it’s just not as secure an implementation as the competition.

It appeared that google did have eye awareness in testing but disabled it for the release presumably as they couldn’t get it working reliably by release. I imagine it will show up some day as they don’t really have a choice.

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Google have already confirmed that they are releasing a more secure variant in a month or two which will not work when eyes are closed.
Google face unlock is more secure than all the competition EXCEPT the apple version. When they release the update I imagine it’ll be as secure.

Hello Everyone! Quick update on face unlock:

We’ve been hard at work getting the Biometric Prompt API working with the app. Because it’s qualitatively different than the API we had previously used, we had to rewrite the way we did encryption on the device - no small task.

We’ve managed to get it working in isolation - but authentication is used extensively across the app. This means most of the work will be trying to get face unlock compatible with all parts of the app, from features we’d written yesterday to parts of the app written years ago! Again, no small task.

Beyond that, as it’s related to authentication and security it’s not something we want to quickly push out the door. We really need to make sure we do this right, and would like to be 100% confident on this feature before releasing.

We’ll let you know when we have a better idea of a timeline, but we are actively working on this as we’re itching to use it with our own shiny new pixels :smile:!


Thanks for the update Boris, that’s all good to hear.

There’s link to this thread in this review of the Pixel 4

Yup, this is a big non issue. No different to fingerprints.

It is at least as secure as a fingerprint and more secure than the vast majority of people really need. The fears of it being insecure are widely overstated.