This is the sort of thing I want to see in Monzo “pots”.
they would be good as I could access my life assurance, pensions, etc.
very good point
I don’t currently have any ISAs as with the amount of savings I have, I earn far more interest parking them in a current account like Club Lloyds.
But what I would like Pots to evolve into is something along the lines like what you’ve described with Nutmeg, but basically present my ISA account in a very similar format to my Monzo current account (with the pulse graph etc) or a history of how my savings has grown (either from my own inputs or from interests etc), and I’ll have the ability to deposit/ withdraw from those pots.
Essentially mapping those ISA/ third party accounts into a Monzo current account of sorts, but of course what’s possible will really depend on what these third-party provider’s API would allow I guess!
You’ve also mentioned ‘Chip’ in another post, but to be honest I would very much prefer Monzo to implement those features in-house rather than use a third-party provider for that, because I’m not very fond of sharing my banking/ spending behaviour with other people unnecessary, and since my current account provider already posses these data, I’d rather they make use of these data to help me than me surrendering my data to someone else because my current account provider aren’t able to provide these services. But I read somewhere in other posts that Monzo is looking to implement some rules-based decision of sorts to automatically allocate money into a Pot so I guess there’s really no need for Chip?
I use nutmeg and would like to see this integration
Perhaps as a retired IFA I can offer some experienced insight
Nutmeg look extremely expensive,the offering is very limited,simple is not always best and I see no option to invest in Investment Trusts.
My own preference would be AJ Bell.
Can I suggest Monzo pull together a group of IFA’s to investigate the market with an educated eye and not just on the basis who has the flashest website.
Whilst I completely agree with you on the excessive cost of Nutmeg and I too use AJ Bell, I have to disagree on one point - simple is more often than not, best!
Even Buffet says that for most people, sticking your money in an index tracker is the way to go.
I’ve been using nutmeg for a year or two. In some respects I kind of like that it is separated. It has been reiterated to me a number of times that investing is for the long term and that the best thing to do is actually to put money in there and leave it, trying to check it no more frequently than once a month. This reduces the temptation to tinker with it. It also reduces the anxiety of seeing your savings go up and down a few cents each day.
Nevertheless, getting money in and out of it is a pain. Making that easier might be nice. Being able to see my funds performance might be nice if it wasn’t always right in front of me.
An integration/feature I’d be more keen on would be to, or stronger features in the monzo app itself. Assigning expenditure to a budget row in YNAB would be super convenient.
Of course he did not make his own fortune using trackers and I think his remark was more a comment on the general lack of knowledge when it comes to investment.This something I feel Monzo could address and make a real difference to people’s finances.
Trackers have become flavour of the month and there are hundreds to choose from,they can certainly form part of a portfolio but at the end of the day, just as an example, I would rather have my money in Scottish Mortgage Trust, a massive fund that has has been going since 1909 and rewarded investors with outstanding returns, but I do wonder how many Monzo account holders have heard of it. That’s the sort of thing I would like to see Monzo address.
Exactly, Buffet these days buys companies rather than shares, anyway. So you’re right in saying his advice was to the layman who isn’t interested in learning about stocks and shares.
If you don’t mind doing a bit of research (if you like window shopping or researching gadgets, you’re already made for this) then picking stocks will return far, far more than any index tracker or fund will get you. I’m not an expert in investing, but I’ve returned more over the last 10 years than any tracker or fund has offered, and paid far less in fees overall as well.
There’s a massive misconception that picking your stocks means you need to keep on top of it all the time, that’s rubbish too. It’s just like passive, with a bit more work up front and every 6 months or so, but for the returns it’s worth it!
Buffet made his fortune by doing what most successful financiers do - he charged through the nose. His early funds charged 50%, yes 50% of the returns above 4%. He was good, but he wouldn’t be anything like as rich as he is if he’d only invested his own money.
I don’t know Scottish Mortgage Trust - what is their annualised return vs the market? Sharpe ratio? I’m always interested in alternative investment strategies.
Perhaps you’d post your portfolio?
Just Google Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust, that is just the beginning it may set you and anyone else who does the same on an interesting path
Have a look at ETF’s as well in particuly look up ROBG
Both can be found on the AJ Bell site
Bit of a process as it’s quite diverse across different providers/platforms but in essence check out a few from my UK portfolio below
Tracker Bought
GHH 2008
SOG 2008
More recently added positions in CLIN, RST and BVXP
All companies I have a lot of belief in.
What’s your annualised return? Max drawdown?
24%, 11%
Been very fortunate!
@Itfc SMT looks very interesting, will have to research
Also @DaveTMG I know it doesn’t count, but for beer money and to test strategies I use eToro for US assets so you can see my methods etc, although that is with beer money really
Nice one,I’ve had a bit of Restore over the years,but I got badly burnt with some Chinese shares so sold all my shares and now have a portfolio of mainly Invesment Trusts, an ETF and a tracker. Bit lower risk on the investment scale!
You’ve returned 859% over 10 years?
Tell you what they had a bit of a severe dip these past days, but just represents a decent entry. No harm in either strategy, the aim is to make our money work after all
@DaveTMG apologies, that was just for UK as combining all my foreign shares would be a bit of a hassle, I’d estimate it more in the 400% mark based on napkin math
Edit: 322%
Make your money work,one of my favourite phrases and why I started making comments on a forum,something I do not normally do, but I was so disappointed to see Monzo perhaps getting into bed with Nutmeg when they could be doing so much more.