There’s been one, but in a vaguely-related topic:
Not completed yet - need one for the Renewable set, one for the Summer set, one for the Food set, two for the Sport set and 5 for the latest Around-The-World-Set
There’s been one, but in a vaguely-related topic:
Not completed yet - need one for the Renewable set, one for the Summer set, one for the Food set, two for the Sport set and 5 for the latest Around-The-World-Set
You need a working smart meter for it. I don’t have Octoplus for that reason. I got it briefly after they tried and failed to fix mine, but then lost it after two weeks. Still waiting for another engineer appointment. Still plowing the same old excuse for why it’s taking so long. Bet the same local guy on the island eventually turns up.
I’m addicted to the thing. Got 3489 entries now.
Though I read on Octopus’s social media page that someone has got over 7000, so I’m slacking.
I got an appointment for an engineer to call next week to power cycle/re-commission the current non working [smart] gas meter. I advised the agent that both those thing were tried last time to no avail. Incidentally it was the same chap who fitted the thing. He has been authorised to fit a new meter if whatever he tries does not work whilst he is here. Fingers crossed, I have been on estimated gas bills since late last year and have been waiting all this time for it to be fixed. I’m sure I’ll be in credit when he submits his exit reading. R-
It’s a fly lead I’m waiting for. Was told 4 weeks. It’s been 4 months and nothing. I’ve given up trying.
Ah, sorry - missed that part. Fly lead for what? I’ll ask him next week if you like. R-
It’s to move the box attached to the smart meter to somewhere that hopefully has better signal in the hope that will fix it.
I’ll definitely mention it - sounds like a good fix for me rather than
I don’t see why it won’t work with Agile.
Yeah but wondering why when normally the price just goes to 0 for the 30 min window like it has in the past. Not saying it won’t work just curious to see if it was sent out to everyone on a smart meter.
I’m on the Intelligent octopus tariff and not received the email
Edit - ignore that, clicked through the site and realised wasn’t signed up so no wonder didn’t get the mail
It won’t make any difference if the Agile price is 0 or less but, if not, you’ll get credited for the cost of any electricity you use above your “normal” usage. It says how they calculate your normal usage in the FAQs on the page you linked.
Agile 0 seems better than the free in this case.
Yup, I got the email. I’m on flexible tariff. R-
Of course Agile 0 is going to be better than free usage over normal because you’re still going to be paying something on this new scheme.
I doubt whether they would choose an hour where Agile is 0 or less, anyway.
True, nice to see they are giving it to others who don’t wanna risk it on agile.
I got this too, it’s just such a shame I am not at home