Not POA, Handle a bank account on behalf of someone else

So this is gonna sound strange

We all know how bad the Monzo support can be and I would like to handle it on behalf of my mother‘s Monzo account

Recently her card has started declining and I have guided her through going onto the declined transaction which should tell you why it’s declined however it just says “Declined” With no further reason

The card on Apple Pay works fine and her flex card seems to be working fine as well so she’s just been paying for stuff on Flex And then paying it off immediately. She does like Monzo, but I do not want to sour her with going through Support so ideally I would like a way to be a named person to go through Support only on her behalf.

Put it this way she struggled to find the sea all button for the transaction history so her going through Support herself is not going to be easy

I doubt this is something that Monzo can do, but it would be great if they could implement it

She’s in New Zealand at the moment, So not very, I will just wait for her to get back, I guess

That’s an absolutely fair Reason that I clearly didn’t think about

I guess it’s just because of the banks let me do it and the other companies like Octopus I can ring on her behalf without her present if I needed to

So the opposite of local!

Card not working makes it sound like a card rather than account issue. When she gets home, report the card as lost and get a replacement.

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Thank you, Revels

Thread closed

@AlanDoe please remove so others don’t see this and think it’s a good idea

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PoA requires legally binding documents and then you make the requests etc via One Login - Use a lasting power of attorney - GOV.UK

Then the banks etc use the request you generate to approve it.

Not sure Monzo actually has a LPoA (PoA) policy so without that it wouldn’t “legally” be possible.

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Customer support can help - if your mum asks to speak to the wellbeing team they can put an informal support in place where you can speak with them.

Please don’t use your mums account as if it’s your own (when she’s back from New Zealand). Not only is it against the terms and conditions of the account, it’s also fraud.


Thank you for the genuine answer. I will try that when she is back from NZ. She’s happy to use Apple Pay for now which others have said it’s card related, possibly broken chip? I won’t know I guess


I understand that this probably means “don’t use your mums account as if it’s your own unless you have registered a power of attorney”. However it would be helpful if Monzo had information about how to register and use PoA (and Guardianship, etc.) on their website. If it’s there I haven’t managed to find it with a (admittedly quick) search.

The only legacy bank I’ve dealt with for this is Virgin Money (Yorkshire) for my dad. The only way to do online banking is to “be” my dad, as there’s no facility to have a second login to the account. I suspect that Monzo will have the same limitation.


Yes - although I don’t work in the wellbeing team so my knowledge on how POA works is rather limited.

If you head to the link I shared, that talks a little bit about POA and how to set it up, including the email to use once you’ve got the legal side of things sorted or if you just need a bit more information.

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Thanks @sheona, wasn’t obvious what the link was but I’ve had a look. Good that there’s a dedicated email address rather than the generic help@.

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