Here’s a short interview with @Jonas (Monzo’s CTO) covering which is particularly worth reading if you’re thinking about apply for a role as an Engineer at Monzo, as he says
I’ve interviewed almost 500 engineers over the past six months
The interview covers:
His role & what his average day looks like
The professional and personal skills that someone needs for this role
The most important moment in his career so far & why
The trend, behavior or technology on the horizon is going to most affect his role
One of the most important trends that we’re seeing in computer-based jobs is the move towards remote working.
We want to hire and retain the best people in the world and – statistically speaking – only about 0.1pc of the tech talent that we’re looking for live in London. Not everyone is able to relocate.
The biggest misconception about his role
The person, place, or thing that has really influenced his role
His description of being a CTO in three words
Make everything better.