New iPhone, there is no "already have an account’ button to press

I got a new iPhone, downloaded the Monzo app to access my account. But there is no "already have an account’ button to press, the app treats me like a new customer (and then refuses to open an account!). Any help is appreciated



You’ve skipped past the “log in” button. It’s definitely there.

If you’re adding your mobile number you’ve chosen the wrong option.

Ensure the email address you enter is the one linked to your existing Monzo account.

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Did you trasfer the data over from your old phone or did you do an iCloud download? Either way, there’s a smaller link underneath the big ‘new account’ button, that’s the busston for existing login’s

That page should be re-designed really

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I may be wrong, but I thought it determined the flow you’re sent through by the email you input? No actual log in button, but if your email is for an active account you get the log in flow, and if not, you get the sign up flow.

I think mobile is next isn’t it? I’ve only done it once per year with a new iPhone so my memory of it is patchy!

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I logged out just to take that screenshot


I’m sure mobile only comes up if the email you put in is not associated with an account, which is why we see so many posts RE the phone number being in use already, because they put the wrong email in.

I can barely remember it too to be honest.


Yep, that was it…. !
Thank you for the help.