Nationwide Chat

Took about a month from account opening to this being available.

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I grabbed a Regular Saver on Friday. The “loophole” I’ve found is that it’s a £200 deposit per calendar month. So I’m effectively starting off the account with £400 :+1:.

Interestingly, it’s good a different sort code to my other two accounts - the Reg Saver’s sort code is 07-11-20

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Nationwide generally allocate a different sort code to each type of account.

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I see on nationwides equivalent of First directs fdesign thing, they had a survey about Sibstar debit cards etc. wonder what they are planning.

Strange, how it is only for a certain account and kind off desperate in keeping customers.

lol it’s just reach plc being reach plc

If you put in the maximum £20,000 into the ISA on day one, you will have earned a whopping £900 in interest by the time the account matures, which works out around £75 per month.


I suppose so @peacefulwave, typical news websites though.

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What’s the latest on notifications and pending payments with Nationwide? It’s been a few years since I’ve used any of their services.

Don’t get transaction notifications etc. What do you need to know about pending?

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Does it show pending card payments, outgoing direct debits and incoming BACS?

Shows pending card payments, doesn’t show upcoming direct debits nor incoming bacs payments.

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Love the use of the word ‘warning’

Nationwide Building Society has issued a warning about the rules to get an £175 payment

TLDR it is a switcher offer, and if you follow the terms you get the payment.

Reach plc being Reach plc, again

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Also not eligible if you have had a switch offer from them after the 18th August 2021

This screen has been cleaned up a bit in the latest update.