Monzo Web: Feedback Thread

It doesn’t get to the point where it sends the email…it works fine on my phone browser just not my laptop

If someone has access to your phone (as in… the actual workings of your phone) - Read only Monzo access is probably the least of your concerns.

I’d guess if someone stole a phone, there is a strong chance they don’t know your passcode/fingerprint/face ID, and therefore also can’t access any emails that have been sent.

But… +1 for password over Magic Link for me as well.

Lastly… It seems you have to log out - Might sound obvious, but I expected the webpage to time out or something. Little bit of a security risk (for your identity more than anything else).


Doesn’t not logging out solve the problem for the people who need their phone to get the magic link? Is it limited to 1 web log in at a time? My desktop has a password so I’m happy to stay logged in

Possibly - But I guess my thought process was more… What if I lost it on holiday/out and about etc.

I’d use the nearest computer I had, which wouldn’t be my own.

I’d just need to remember to log out.


As @Alexs states, everything would be read only. To actually move funds they need your pin.
This actually encourages people to make sure their email is secure! It’s one of the main ways password resets work these days so having that secure is so important.

Enable 2fa :slight_smile:


I use 2FA on my Google account, (I usually login by confirming a sign-in attempt on my phone) with a failsafe of having a FIDO U2F USB key.

I believe it cost me less than £8 from Amazon and means if I ever loose my phone I have an easy and secure way to get back into my email.

2FA is a pain now. I used to use it regularly with a standalone key fob number generator, now eBay etc only do 2FA on a mobile I am unable to use it when my battery is flat, so I have now turned off 2FA despite not wanting to, because they won’t let me use 2FA without my phone. Yet I have a key fob number generator, and a card number generator (looks like a credit card) that zi keep in my wallet. I always carry my wallet but not always my phone, that I only take if going outside my town.

What this thread has done is re-enforce my belief that 2FA is far more hassle than it’s worth. Get a password manager, use strong unique passwords everywhere, memorise a few key ones (password manager, email, AppleID), and you’re fine. Will be just as secure and you’ll get back up and running a lot more quickly if you lose your phone (not just for Monzo, but generally).


This is a great start. It would be amazing if you could also see and stop upcoming direct debits - useful in a pinch as these can be big amounts.

There is an answer for that…

For me this Web version is good enough. Its only going to used as a last resort if I have lost access to my phone.

Only thing missing is live chat. I thought it was going available with Web version… Get Support button is just an email link.

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Works great! Great job.

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This version is fine for cancelling lost cards and having a glance at transactions to ensure there’s no fraud on a lost card. The only problem for me is that the email I have associated with Monzo also needs 2FA to log in. If I have lost my phone then I’m not logging Into this out and about. Therefore I doubt I’d ever use this.


Not considering the 2fa factor confuses me ( I’ve mentioned it before ). I would have expected alternative methods of authentication, given this web interface is for emergencies. For instance you could ask questions the user will know the answer to like email, address, pin.

Hopefully they’ll iterate on this.

Well done on shipping!

Looks great :+1:

However, it would be awesome if you could boot right into an Intercom chat session when clicking on “Get Support” (possibly with the urgency question, just like on the app) rather than opening an email client.


Looks great. Just a few nitpicks/suggestions.

  • A splash screen before asking for permission would be great. It’s a bit odd to suddenly ask for permissions.

  • The email sent to login shouldnt assume you’re accessing it on your phone.

  • Live chat/Intercom integration would be fantastic.

  • I hate loading bars/rings, in-app and on this. I wouldn’t mind if it appeared if it was taking a while to load but when it’s literally just an awkward flash it’s a bit meh.

  • Pots pictures don’t display in the transactions.

  • I’m glad the web UI wasn’t a weird fake version of iOS.

The freeze card function seems to work perfectly for me, too.

I’d love to see this eventually become a full featured PWA to provide people with general desktop and tablet use.


Looks good and does the job

Be nice to see a display of money in pots but perhaps not needed in emergencies?

I mainly use a fork of Firefox called Palemoon and it won’t load the login section. Just shows a spinning icon. Just tried it on chrome and it worked no problem. I realise it’s not a major problem because I should imagine this would not affect many users but you wanted feedback!

I find it strange the mobile version of the site looks far better than the dedicated app. No ugly bottom bar or spending chart/graph at the top with both combined taking up waaay too much screen space.

Cool edition to the service if you’re without a phone for whatever reason. Very cool although somewhat limited in functions. Does look nice though.

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I’m not sure that the profile pic / name / email address needs to take up so much screen space at the top of the page.