Monzo Plus Recurring Payment Budget

My Monzo Plus fee doesn’t currently go into my budget as a recurring payment. Is there a way to do this?

Seems strange that the only monthly fee I pay directly to Monzo isn’t able to be built into the budgeting to show my months spending…


It is strange. It doesn’t appear in scheduled payments at all - so Summary doesn’t see it as a committed spend even though it is. Regardless of what you do, the fee will be taken for 12 months from sign-up and it is a committed spend by definition.

Strangely, you have the option to exclude a Plus fee transaction from the spending summary to make it disappear altogether. This needs fixing :hammer_and_wrench:


I’ve spoke to Monzo about this, they said they’re aware of the issue and it’ll soon be fixed.

So yes for now it’s a mistake that still needs sorting :confused: