Monzo Labs: Shared Tabs đź“‘

Thanks to everyone who’s shared their experiences so far! :raised_hands:We’ve found it super-helpful to read through your comments.

As we get closer to releasing Tabs, here are some of the ideas my team are thinking about doing next:

Keeping a tab running after settling
We’ve seen a lot of reasons to change the current settlement behaviour:

  • It’s not clear what clicking “Settle” will do; many people find it surprising that it sends payment requests.
  • It’s weird that you can Decline payment requests.
  • You have to wait until the end to receive any money (as @priceaj pointed out!)
  • We want to support long-running tabs (e.g. flat shares), which are settled up regularly rather than at the end

We’d like to redesign Shared Tabs so that anyone who owes can pay at any time; if you’re owed, then you can send a reminder to nudge other people; and you can only close a tab once everyone has paid.

Splitting the bill unevenly
Several of you have requested the option to adjust how payments are split. While we think it’s easiest if all payments should be split equally by default, it would be useful if you can edit the amount each person will pay—just like Bill Splitting.

Make it obvious you can delete payments from a tab

Add a payment to an existing tab straight from the transaction details screen

Hopefully it’s interesting to hear what we’re thinking about – but I should re-iterate that we’ve put Shared Tabs into Labs as early access, so we may decide to release Shared Tabs to everyone before we do any of the above! :blush: