Monzo for Android - Beta Channel Changelog 🕵

Version 2.21.0 is definitely available :tada:

Looks like I was beaten to the punch by a couple of minutes :eyes: But in the meantime I’ve dug around and looked for new features :grin:

Pot Image Edits!

Screenshot_20181025-181124 Screenshot_20181025-181131

Click the settings cog on any of your pots and tap the photo! Sadly there’s no custom image uploads (yet) but it’s awesome to be able to edit without deleting a whole pot just to alter the photo :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Set a profile photo (again)

Looks like this was broken in Android 9.0 Pie but it’s back again, you can upload, remove and take a new photo for your / Monzo-to-Monzo payments picture :blush:


(Anybody else think an 8-bit Monzo card would look hella awesome?! :sunglasses:)

Under the Hood

You can definitely check the Slack channel for a full teardown of the APK :eyes::see_no_evil: but a summary of the changes this week is this; there’s been a LOT of changes surrounding Pots! :honey_pot:

Not to mention Tabs! :tada: Looks like some changes to the contacts screen might be incoming… Starred Contacts anybody? :star:

And I’ll leave the rest as a surprise for the future :joy: