Monzo card Help

What can monzo customer service do to help people who have had a previous problem with spending money and gambling

There are a few things.

Gambling block
Reduce daily card spend limit
Reduce daily atm withdrawal limit
Remove your ability to apply for or lock the maximum amount you can get in an overdraft or loan

I use the reduced overdraft and reduced daily card spend limit and it works really well for me.

What kind of things do you think you’d like to see?


Have a chat with them and I’m sure that they will be able to accommodate your needs.

I believe that they have a specialist team to help for this kind of thing too :slight_smile:

I would like to see online blocks and atm withdraws

Like starling do

Is there friction on those blocks or can you just toggle them on and off? You can ask in app to put your atm limit to zero.
I think they’re working on other things at the moment as well but no idea if the detail or timeframe

Ok thanks

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