Monzo and Starling CEOs on today's outage (25/10/2017)

Thanks anne brigade is out in full force again - @anon72173902 don’t bother mate if I am not wrong it’s you who questioned the statement a bit and got a “nice” reply lol

Sadly @anon72173902, it is follow-up requests for more information like yours that cause me such angst on this forum - anything @anne said would never be good enough.

I do enjoy how its apparently not OK to ask for further information about why you can’t access your own money, tbh I feel like on this forum you’d probably get a response instead of being shot down

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I’m sorry but it is their replies that are pathetic!

Asking for follow information is perfectly reasonable, however it seems that on the Starling forum anything that isn’t “thanks Anne” or a variant is not acceptable.

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Starling employees observing situation at GPS :wink:

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Yeah that was me…

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Indeed, I’d summarise the tone difference as:

Monzo: We work for you and involve you, lets talk about stuff

Starling: We allow you to use our product and maybe we will discuss the bare minimum as long as you don’t ask too many questions or criticise our leader.


I asked a not so difficult question and they went mental :rofl:


North Korea allows you to live but do not question the regime :eyes:


She did try to offer an explanation as to what’s been occurring recently and that is more than I think she needed to do (and maybe is wise to do on a community forum), but quite clearly is trying to be transparent as so many on this forum seem to demand.

This is BS. Monzo talk much more openly about these issues

They are obviously content in their little bubble

Is it the DPRS…? :hushed:

Quite possibly :north_korea:

To be fair as far as I can see he is not directly related to Starling management

Edit: But he did manage to make Danny ran away so some achievement there :laughing:

I really don’t see how hard it is to just say sorry, ultimately as guardians of a persons cash the buck stops with them.

Oops, I just criticised the supreme leader

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I didn’t run away, I responded and he didn’t


You know I am only kidding you are better suited here anyway :wink:

I wonder who is to blame for this :joy_cat:



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Maybe it’s the number of views linked from here overwhelming the site. Things seem to be fairly slow over their usually, perhaps it’s too much of a shock :stuck_out_tongue:

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So I’m going to say this as someone who has a foot in both camps and who is probably significantly older than the average member of either bank/community. For all the useful and informative posts on this subject, reading it says to me that the chief reason on Monzo for contributing to this thread is a) to reinforce the contributors feelings of being in the vanguard of the winning team. b) It is used as a seemingy self-evident justification for their ideological views. It is media friendly, which means it panders to the big, usually USA based companies who monetise personal data and only allow access on the basis of accepting both cookies and highly legaly detailed “agreements”. I have not and will not yet move all may banking to either of these. For simple reasons of pragmatisum. None has yet proved resilience and on a practical level, their day-to-day oerations are not reliable (never mind the blame game). I have used computers and the internet since its inception. I have spent more hours installing, or upgrading and re-installing Microsoft software than I care to admit. It was a mess, it still has a lond way to go. Apple’s OS used to be much more dependable and robust. It is still remarkably flexable and compared to the aforsaid cheaper. However, in recent years, Apple has turned sickeningly interested in superficiality. It no longer supports serious computer OS use, favouring rather such things as emoji and other gimicry. Thigs which "simply worked " like bluetooth and other protocals are now unreliable. The saving grace for me was/is security and protection of the individuals’s right to control their own exposure to data theft. I am very ready to admit that Monzo’s app (on iPhone) does its job well, but I have to say that the forum and Monzo gives me an unsettling vibe. It is that of the American stamp of mind: if I can monitise your personal information I will and if it benefits me to make this available to offer this to partners, well, we might and you may already have given me permission to do so. Call me cynical. You may be right but who knows?


Haven’t we all. That’s why I switched to Mac a long time ago :wink:

Agreed. Yearly release cycles does it no favours. I miss Snow Leopard.

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