Monthly reports no longer created

First way works :slight_smile: thanks - although May says I’ve spent £0 for some reason (wish it was true :melting_face: ) but April and June are correct

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Yeah for whatever reason they’ve stopped sending the notification. The reports are still there, you’ve just to manually go to them to view each month.

A no spend month :flushed: that would be the dream :sweat_smile:


Yep, nothing here for this month.

They’ve definitely stopped.

:rotating_light: :bug: :rotating_light: *

*Unless intentional, in which case booooooooo

For some people they have :eyes::sweat_smile:


Something tells me this is intentional or some kind of user testing to see if anyone notices that’s it’s gone, getting some results in before it gets pulled for good.

Certain staff would of been all over this thread by now commenting etc etc, the silence from them speaks volumes. Or maybe I’m seeing something that doesn’t exist, are aliens real, did they really fake the moon landings :face_with_monocle:

Same :melting_face::melting_face::melting_face:

User testing at Monzo :eyes:

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