Mondo banking + Curve card? Awesome?

loads of disappointment on twitter!


Hope their rewarding system do become rewarding. Or elseā€¦

Itā€™s a gamble - will enough people demand a refund to cause them to go under before the reward scheme kicks off?

I can easily put the Ā£1k through the card and will probably stick around to see what happens, Ā£35 is not so much to blow for a bit of early adopter fun. Plus if they go under, I can probably ask Amex to refund me :slight_smile:

Me too! Will sure stay with them! And hope that one day the Amex feature comes back.

Excellent; looks like the Curve card project is dead in the water.
Considering the whole business model was set up to charge retailers massive fees; it needed to die. Itā€™s crap like this which causes places to have minimum card purchases or no card.

Plus reading Twitter its hilarious; everyones throwing there arms up calling it dead and demanding cancellations all because they cant use it to work around the Amex system.
You want an Amex card; enjoy going places being told they donā€™t accept.

Bloody freeloaders :stuck_out_tongue:


Curve is the British version to Plastc card. Iā€™m probably buying a plastc card this month because they are meant to be released in september and it looks WAY BETTER.
Plastc Card

Here is a video on Plastc Video

I just love the features of this thing!

Jamie. They work quite differently actually.

Itā€™s a fair point, but there is more security features with plastc.

They were supposed to have this released last year. They initially said that it would be released by the end of 2015, and later said by the end of April. And now they wont release until Auguest/September.

They were mainly technical problems with the battery and the touch screen. the touch screen was what has set it back. Plus it has to work in any card machine so thickness was an issue. They have finished this now and just now adding NFC. it should be finalised by the end of summer.

Looks like NFC only for some cards and EMV not supported at launch? Lack of EMV is a killer for the proposition in Europe - there will be hardly anywhere to spend

I like the idea of an e-ink card though - this would be useful for displaying barcode based loyalty cards (these dont scan well off phone screens but do scan off e-ink)

@JamesBell Yes at one point of Plastcā€™s journey over the past 6-8 months was that NFC or EMV was not going to be supported. However a video with the CEO states it will be built in, but then rolled out in terms of software support later on. Here is the answer you maybe looking for EMV/NFC support

I donā€™t get it with plastc - another card to keep charged to give me functionality better provided through an app on my phone.

Given the state of my credit cards after Iā€™ve sat on them in my wallet for a few months, I doubt plastc would survive!

Their subscription allows for replacements without extra charges. Plus the battery would die and the default card would be shown once it is dead, thatā€™s the great functionality it has with the screen because itā€™s e-ink.

Personally I donā€™t see the need for Plastc, the only reason I carry the :mondo: card is because they donā€™t yet support Apple Pay. Once they do, I wonā€™t be carrying the card with me. Most of the things that Plastc does is easily replaced by apps on your smartphone. Most banks have or will support Apple Pay. And for loyalty cards, costa has an app, Starbucks has one, and every other major merchant. This completely negates the need for Plastc, which is arguable less secure. It is a cool technology but for my day to day needs, I would not prefer it. :slight_smile:


I like Apple Pay but Iā€™m unable to consistently get it up on my lock screen without at least unlocking the phone once. Itā€™s really frustrating.

It might be because Touch ID wasnā€™t set up properly. I had the same problem, but after I enrolled my fingerprint again, it worked. Also if you arenā€™t using all the 5 slots for fingerprints, try adding a second entry for the same fingerprint, this would help.

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Yeaā€¦mine works faultlessly.
And hope to see the EMV chip and pin works soon, since that would be a game changer. Since Apple Pay is still limited at 30 GBP.

The Ā£30 limit on Apple Pay is only applicable to terminals that have not supported CDCVM (Consumer Device Cardholder Verification Method)

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