Keep requesting it. Few of mine happen instantly or within a few days.
Thanks for that @Carlo1460 shall do hopefully will get reverted back soon
Hi There,
My app is showing transactions having occurred at ‘Aldi’, despite having not purchased anything at ‘Aldi’.
The app seems to have retroactively changed historic transactions to ‘Aldi’ as well, meaning i can’t see where transactions actually occurred.
Please can you advise if this is a bug?
Tap transaction > Scroll to bottom > improve name or logo
The updates are taking a bit longer than usual but hopefully they will get changed go to the bottom and improve name and logo then submit it
Is there something going on with the labelling of transactions recently?
My council tax went out overnight, and its name is completely wrong! Nearly had a heart attack, until I checked the bank account details. Its deffo the council.
Tried to tell support in the app chat, but the AI bot basically told me ‘Tough luck’
Looked on Reddit, and there seems to be a wave of transactions being mislabelled
Is the option to improve logo at the bottom when you go to the transaction?
It is, and I tried that, but it wont accept the information I give it
Won’t accept or just won’t update? It takes a while.
Same here and caused irreversible issues with card for use with Apple who was disguised as Aldi.
Poor experience recently with data on my statement feed. New agents checking in all the time and not reading previous messages. In a few cases the support person has changed and they pasted in the exact same response as the previous support person despite it being quite useless.
Quite surprised considering what happened. They accidentally rendered Apple payments as Aldi. All of them (£2k+ over 3 years!). I never shop at Aldi so reported the latest payment as fraud.
This then caused a lot of issues. The card was blocked. Then took many hours to unblock when the glitch had been fixed and Aldi magically became Apple again.
Over the weekend lots of issues with my apple products & services. All stopped! I tried to pay for more cloud space but it would not accept payment. Thought it was my address for my Monzo card. An issue I’ve had before. So deleted the monzo card and could not re-add it. Spent a long time trying to add it in different ways and devices.
Spoke to apple and they said the card will never be allowed to make purchases with them again due to the fraud alert on that card with a payment to them (That was actually miss labeled as Aldi hence the fraud report). My services were cancelled as the last payment was being refunded.
Monzo however won’t give me a free replacement card. They say it’s apple’s fault which of cause is very unlikely. Obviously something wrong with Monzos merchant APIs or similar and they won’t own up.
Oh this is getting fun!
The incorrect council name on my council tax payment has changed.
Not to the correct council, but to another council altogether.
So now I’m two council names away from what it actually should be?!
Mine changed from “Council Name Revs” to just “Council Tax” recently.
And it has changed again. Now says “Local Council” with the logo
Pretty sure Monzo have given up on these again. Submitted some last Friday, no update.
Hard to know if they’ve been declined or just a stupid long backlog to work through.
Monzo only care about this when it comes closer to their needs for this data to be accurate to accommodate Year in Monzo, they don’t care about it for the other months of the year.
Given that the open banking integrations, which are only available to paying subscribers, are heavily reliant on this data being maintained properly and consistently, you’d think they’d be incentivised year round. It sucks, because this is ultimately the problem responsible for why I noped out of Extra a few weeks ago.