Merchant Data Corrections

They use a lower case “t” in their branding, so I’d imagine this could be seen as correct?

Oh, that’s true. Just checked their Twitter. Guess I’ll get used to it then :sweat_smile:

Soo these have totally broken for me. Even a delete and re-install of the latest TestFlight, now nothing has a logo.

How does one fix that?

Amazon displaying fine for me on iOS

Sammmme, all good here. On TestFlight too

So they re-appeared today. I can’t say why they did, but good to see them back

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DVLA been updated again



Amazon has always been ok for me. although I noticed Amazon charges appear as Amazon/Amazon Digital/Amazon Fresh but all share the same image

Disney+ changed to Disney Store again

Same here too

1 Like logo has suddenly changed to the French “20 ans” logo from a couple of years ago. This is in my connected Barclaycard account.

Have you put a change request through for this? I know that there’s been a lot of work on improving the flow of connected account merchant feedback.

Yes, I’ve reported it in-app.

Monzo ya did it! :raised_hands::partying_face::tada::clap:


I put a couple through the other day, and one updated straight away (yay!), but nothing at all for the others yet (booo!) :man_shrugging:t2:

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MONZO! Which idiot broke it?!

It’s now using what I presume is pikachu fan art from some random Twitter account. Please use the official icon again!

New Amazon logos almost every day… orange, blue, white… black for now…


It’s reverted back to the old one for some reason when the new blue logo was perfectly fine and the same thing has happened with the Prime Logo as well.

Actually I noted the change to black and preferred it.

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Black looks nice as well…

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