Low funds warning?

Does mondo warn you if your card is getting low on available funds?

Can you go overdrawn?

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@spittingllama No warnings that I’ve seen, but that is a good idea!

Not sure about the overdrawn question, maybe someone else will be able to answer that.

Thanks for reply Stuart. Or even an auto top up feature which when your account gets to under an amount you set. say £10 it then tops it up by an amount you set. Similar to how Starbucks card works through the iPhone app.

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@spittingllama Here’s a topic that covers both of your questions - Auto-Top up?

Auto top up seems to be an issue with Apple Pay! but the low funds warning does look good.

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Awesome that answers my questions! Thanks!

This is now implemented too - I’ve noticed transaction notifications now usually tell me how much I’ve spent today, but if I’ve got a low balance it tells me my balance instead.

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Thanks James! That’s great to know. Only got my card a couple of days ago so wasn’t sure!

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Also for reference, it is possible for your Mondo balance to become negative, but only as a result of offline transactions - where Mondo is only informed of the charge a few days after it happened.

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I ended up using the API to add a notification to my feed. A script runs every hour, checks my balance and then based on a threshold, notifies me.

I can look to share the php script?