Looking to buy or sell Monzo Crowdcube shares

The remaining £175m or so is made up of this current round of £20m crowdfunding, and the rest (around £155m) is indeed staff options. This includes issued options, and options in our pool that haven’t been issued to a member of staff yet.


Purely out of nosiness, how many options do staff get?

From what I’ve read before, staff have the choice to select more cash or more options, depending on what works best for them.


Page 11 of the prospectus says:

Up to 2,592,520 E Ordinary Shares will be issued as part of the Offer.

Monzo are looking to raise £20,000,000
Simple division also comes up as £ 7.7145 per share that others are suggesting.

Or am I over simplifying it?

We get a choice on salary weighted or options weighted package. Depending on your attitude to risk and current life needs, then you’d pick what’s most suitable for you.


Wish I worked for monzo. I love that staff could end up very handsomely rewarded for their work, well done Monzo.



I’m interested in buying Monzo shares for the appropriate evaluation. If anyone on here is interested in selling, please message me.



What’s the appropriate valuation?

The only seller I’ve heard of is @WillP79 who has offered his shares for £50 each. Mine would be a lot more expensive.

If there are any other offers on the table from any of the 40,000 shareholders - please come forward with them so Adrian can get a piece :blush:

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On the grounds that you don’t say how many you have, offers feel unlikely. I’ll take them for a penny each (just in case you have a lot)! :wink:


I’ll take half of the action at 2 pennies!

Sorry @Feathers :joy:

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Hey, I’m interested if the offer is still there?

I have 259 shares for sale at £13 per share if anyone is interested.

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How much would you sell your shares for?

PM for deatils

If anyone is interested in purchasing shares I also i am willing to sell a few shares at the right price.

I think shares have to be sold in blocks ? You can’t sell a certain amount? Could be wrong though :man_shrugging:


Yep. Think of it as a transfer of ownership, all or nothing.

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You can transfer shares from one crowdfunding round and keep shares from another round, but yeah - only in the blocks you bought them in.

Source: I’ve done it :+1:

Edit: if that’s what you meant anyway then just ignore me :grin:

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I’ve brought in the last two crowdfunding rounds. Not a lot to be fair but what I could afford. Not sure I’ll ever make a massive return, Hope I will, but the main reason was to support Monzo as it’s a company I’ve come to really believe in.