You need a new private detective.
True - I was only asking because I wasn’t sure if it was a joke or a geninue suggestion, it’s near impossible to determine that but I guess you didn’t put /s so I should’ve known.
To be fair, it’s all sorted with a quick call now
I ain’t cool enough to use such things.
No idea what /s means
When does the card show up in the BoS app? I can see my last 4 digits in the card controls section, and got a pop this morning saying my card will be delivered in the next 5 days and said my card details should be available to view already, but they aren’t.
Previously with my accounts the details / card controls appeared when the card got delivered.
That is definitely the case with Lloyds.
Pop up seemed to be wrong then unless I completely misread it, which is possible
This two profiles thing has caused me issues with Halifax twice.
Apparently the first profile was for an accI closed before 2020. Current account I hold is from 2021. One time I could see my current account with balances and stuff. I could also make transfers and everything else but my card details were not showing in the app anymore. I had not logged out of the app or changed device.
When they investigated they found that I had two profiles and that I had logged in with the wrong profile. Just funny as nothing had changed on my end. So they asked me to choose the username for the profile I wanted to gone with, I chose the one whose logins I knew for the current account.
Several months later I get a new phone, and I can not login. Being told invalid details. Complain again.
They give same reason of two profiles yet they had said they were merged and I have one profile in use. This time, I had to change username back to the first profile with the account I closed before 2020.
Fill the complaints form. They will arrange a call with you the next working day and they compensated me twice for this same thing. I see your issue is similar to mine. Second profile related to an account closed ages ago.
I can’t really be bothered. I paid the two quid, the account is fine, and I have the other one if I need it. The ‘punishment’ is the fact they’re not getting £22 a month for platinum for shenanigans like this.
What are your thoughts on the new Lloyds app? I’m curious.
It’s actually quite nice - I would’ve been happy to have used it if needed. The main two issues I found were it was a little clunky, and a lot of things never quite seemed to work, such as spending insights, offers, other areas.
Notifications as have been noted are still random, sometimes right away sometimes never - apparanty that is getting fixed.
Live chat has been pretty decent as were phone lines but this is where HSBC/FD completly outstrip it for me. At least with the latter it doesn’t take 5 agents to get to the truth of the matter.
Well, that’s not good.
My Bank of Scotland card has arrived! As expected, I so really like the design. Strange the card still isn’t in the all though
Here it is in Google Pay
Ooh that BoS card is nice. Annoyingly I’ve just opened HFX, so I’m gonna have to wait a few months to get it . I also want Lloyds first I think.
Looks much better in that screenshot
Thankfully, my parents have Halifax so kinda knew the card wouldn’t be my favourite. Was between Lloyds and BOS. I do like the green and the entire new branding of Lloyds, but I just really like the photos in BoS so had to go for that