Monzo Current Account Counter

Definitely a slow down there…

It’s definitely about to speed up too :tada:

im clearly just jealous… :smiley:


Monzo setting the world record for envelope stuffing.



Not sure if this has been answered elsewhere.

I got verified last night and my card is on its way. Is my account included in the current figure or is it only when my card is activated?

I understand only activated accounts are included in the counter

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I’ve been recording my own stats since the 22nd August, at 5 minute intervals which can be accessed here:

The “live” series is the one reported from Monzo site, but this suffers from the batch process (info here: Monzo Current Account Counter), the “Accounts” value is corrected to fill in the resulting troughs.

Preview of chart:
Monzo Current Accounts


Looks like the counter has just tipped over 5k. 5,009 current accounts now to be precise. Someone seems to have a rocket under it these last few days.



tik tok tik tok


Ramp up is happening!

I got mine on day 50, 3,500 mark(ish) :smiley:

Yes, you could say that. Keep an eye on the counter the next few days :wink:


Can we talk about the very satisfying round number that the counter has ended on today at 6,500!

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6,568 now! Flying up.

Damn it, it was such a lovely round number :rofl: but yay for more people!!


Will almost certainly cross 10,000 today. Monzo will hit a problem soon because i’m pretty sure that testflight has a limit of 10,000 testers for a product.

I think the number is a combination of Android and iOS so shouldn’t be an issue. That said 20k would be an issue if we asssume a 50:50 android:ios mix.

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If I remember correctly, 20k is the magic number. If Monzo can handle all those accounts adding more shouldn’t cause too many issues. So hopefully once we get there it will ramp up quickly and maybe even have the apps out in the wild.