Link car number plate to your account

Came across this article and started thinking if there is a use-case for this in the UK:

There could be other use-cases for this where if I link my car number plate to my Monzo account, Monzo could then pull my car details from DVLA and remind me to set up a pot & start paying in monthly for my upcoming car insurance or road tax bill. And go a step further and find me a good insurance deal as well


I already use a car park in Birmingham that is linked to my number plate/Monzo card and automatically bills me when I leave. A wider extension of this (NCP maybe?) would be really useful. A “go back in time” feature similar to Curve where I could retrospectively change the payment card used would be good too.

I like this idea, but its effectiveness and accessibility would depend on which parking companies were willing to partner up.
Most of the car parks where I live are old-school pay and displays (coins only), aside from one which has recently been upgraded to accept contactless payments - and are primarily run by local organisations afaik, so I can’t see many of them being willing to jump on the technological bandwagon just yet.