Labs Feedback: Summary 📊

Hey all,

Thanks again for all the feedback you’ve shared the last week. Here’s a run down of some of the updates we’re planning based on what we’ve heard so far.

Just as a reminder, a first version of Targets are on the way, and will be included in the next iOS and Android releases.

Shorter Term updates

  • We’re going to change the Set Payday flow to be called Change start date, and reduce the feeling that you need your salary to be paid in for it to work. We will also make it clearer that you budget isn’t affected by the transaction you choose, only the start date.

  • We’re going to reduce the minimum amount threshold for payments to show up as shortcuts when changing your start date from £500 to something lower.

  • We’re going to refine the logic that decides if your dial should be green, orange, or red - so that there is more tolerance, especially earlier in the month. This should reduce how many people are told they’re going to run out of money even though everything feels fine.

  • We heard that separating out Monzo payments, and payments from Bank Transfers is confusing, so will group all three under Transfers.

  • We’ve added a route to view excluded transactions on Android. It was already there on iOS.

  • We’re going to reduce how quickly the show more/show less button snaps shut.

Larger pieces that will take a bit more time

  • We know the current approach for setting a custom start date for your Summary doesn’t work for everyone, and doesn’t handle being paid late. We’ll add some flexibility here to cover more pay day schedules.

  • We need to improve the Pots section, and make it clearer when money is moving in and out of a Pot. Right now things are consistent with the rest of the app, but it’s still not clear enough.

  • Pulling Direct Debits and online subscriptions into Committed Spending (for now, excluding them from Spending will have a similar effect on your dial)

  • Finding a good flow for those that budget weekly. Balancing the need to manage a shorter time frame, without losing sight of big monthly bills.

Thanks again!
