Kitchen Towel recommendations?

Colour me interested in those bamboo hand towels!

I did try the Nicky Defend hand towels when Plenty went out of stock a couple of months back, but they’re totally different and not really suitable for what I use them for. I wouldn’t recommend them as an alternative to Plenty.

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I will not stand this Regina Blitz blasphemy! They are my go to towel and I’ve never had the problems you describe with them

I purposely seek them out for their sheer superiority and strength over the feeble comepition. Their moisture retention are second to none!

I firmly believe you must have had a faulty batch.

Might have to give Plenty a go to see if the Towel is truly Moister on the other side, but I can’t believe it.


Then you better 3D print yourself a chair and sit down!

I had a few different packets of Regina (bought way too much of it and what’s left over has been demoted to the glamping pods), and I’d also tried them years prior when I lived in England because they were the highest rated kitchen roll on Ocado at the time and I was having an awful time finding some good kitchen roll.

I’m afraid my experiences with Regina have been fairly consistent. In the olden days though, when I first tried it, it was easier to forgive. Maybe it doesn’t get on well with Method’s surface cleaners? Can’t remember if I tried it with my new Hypochlorous acid stuff (which is the bees knees btw).


Weird, I find most Other Brands go mushy quite too quickly where Regina didn’t. Never had the Blue dye staining problem either - even using Method cleaning stuffs.

Who knew there’d be such differences!

By the way, does anyone have opinions on Bin Bags. I recently tried these and I adore them

</mid 30’s>


My opinions are that it’s best to pay for the proper ones, as they’re worth their price. Cheap bags are a false economy and should be avoided like the plague.


Ecozone’s are by a large mile the best I’ve ever used. A mainstay of my Ocado order. They’re just very hard to get a hold of now I’m in Scotland. Not the cheapest but worth every penny.

Seep is my backup. They’re ok and do the job but I’m not that impressed.

Biodegradable is a must for me.

I would absolutely love for my dog poo bag brand of choice to make bin bags out of the stuff though. That’s the best material and the one we should probably be moving towards for these throwaway type products.

Have you had any luck with this yet?

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I’ve only ever used Kirkland (Costco brand) if that helps.

They’ve been mentioned a few times by a few people. They’re rubbish IMO. Kirkland has a loyal fan base, especially on Reddit, but all their products I’ve tried have never lived up to the hype for me.

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Wouldn’t say im loyal aha, just seem to be the ones I prefer as the thickness and amount per roll. But if there’s something better then im all ears :slight_smile:

I’m very fussy with my kitchen towels.

Ora remain my favourites. Still out of stock 2 years later. Still hoping to come back soon when you email them, blaming supply issues (corroborated by folks who are familiar with that supply chain on here) and prioritising commercial clients (supermarkets and other brands) over their direct to consumer brand.

Plenty are probably the best after them that I’ve tried IIRC.

But more than anything, I’m after accessibility and ease of use (one-handed). Toilet roll works because I always have two hands free. That’s rarely the case with kitchen roll for me. As on to that the fact that the rolls are often unwieldy massive. And because of the perforations, they lint more, which is a big no go.

My whole reason for starting this thread is because I ran out of Ora and needed an alternative. After lots of trial and error with various recommendations, I settled on @Stompy’s recommendation for Plenty’s handy towels. But Plenty’s handy towels have disappeared now too, so I’m not left with much choice when my cupboard eventually runs out (I stockpiled, thankfully).

Hence my interest in the z-fold bamboo options @Stompy was exploring a few months ago.

Although not bamboo, I’ll probably go for these when the time comes if there’s nothing that looks better. I know and like Nextdaycoffee, and get all my paper utensils from them, so hoping their’s will be decent.

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Sadly not! The closest I found to something that looked good had a huuuuuuge minimum order quantity. I didn’t want to risk it in case the paper quality ended up being bobbins.

For the time being I’m using Plenty rolls and tearing them down in to little stacks for my desk.

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And I think we have similar paper wants as I didn’t rate Kirkland either :laughing:

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I think this is the way I’m going to have to go for now. Might be worth looking into a holder that makes one handed tearing possible. Maybe a couple of these dotted around the house:

Unless Ora (or Plenty’s handy towels) come back very soon. I’m going through my stockpile faster than expected and will probably run out by July. :sob:

Went to co op on Monday and brought one of every brand again for another go round. Plenty’s original one is by far the best rolled option. Regina Blitz is still awful (sorry @BritishLibrary). I can’t believe I’ve just been unlucky in that every time I’ve tried it now has been a bad batch.


I must be using Plenty wrong, as the last time I tried them, they just became imbibed with the essence of wetness and turned into a useless damp pulp with no structural integrity.

I can get behing the Ora ones though.

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Used it for years, it is the best.


Maybe I just don’t get it or I’m using it wrong, I don’t know. But I don’t understand the hype and praise that kitchen roll gets at all.

I test on the windows. Blitz just starts disintegrating as I wipe, the blue dye runs, it doesn’t absorb the surface cleaner well and leaves lint everywhere. So I end up just moving the liquid around the window, getting it all over my gloves, and end up with bits of paper towel everywhere. It tears way too easily though. Don’t even need to get it wet. Just bring it to an unflat surface, like wiping some excess flour out of bowl, and I wind up with a piece of holey paper towel. Half the time I tear a sheet off the roll, I end up ripping the sheet itself in the process. The sheets are also just way too big and unwieldy for me.

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The Ocado Ultra and also Plenty tubeless have been good for me. I agree re Blitz, its nowhere near as hardy as it once was. Although I’m trying to reduce the amount of kitchen roll I use and trying to use cloths that I can wash and reuse as much as possible instead.

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