JudoPay TopUp bug

I tried to top up my card today at 12:00pm UTC. When I tried to I got the follow error:

Turns out the app is generating a faulty ‘yourPaymentReference’ reference (notice the " p.m." appended) when sending the request to JudoPay, resulting is the displayed error:
link to image as I can’t post more than one image apparently.

Inserting a breakpoint on the request and removing said " p.m." allowed the request to go through fine.

I’m running the latest TestFlight version of the app, version 1.4 (225)

Yikes, that’s no good Alex, sorry! We’re working on fixing it now :slight_smile:

I had a chat with @daniel, should have posted an update here about said chat. It’s a known issue with JudoPay’s iOS SDK. They don’t handle non-24 hour time parsing very well, and for some formats it means the ref is longer than 49 chars. I’m just using the 24 hour format for now as that works.