“Ive had enough”
leave apple
start own company
take on apple as biggest and probably only client
The title is annoying me, keep thinking it should be ‘Jony Ive left Apple’
Brings back earphone jacks…
A major icon in tech history (current and historical) and one that affected my lifestyle and millions of others with an eye for design and technology. Best of luck for the future Mr I (pod/mac/phone/etc)
Apple have been preparing for Jony Ive to leave Apple for a while. He started winding down his duties a few years ago to spend more time in the UK. Becoming a subcontractor suits both well, although my shares will probably take a hit later today.
Apple: Johnny Ive is leaving after 30 years
Google: We are pleased to announce the hiring of Johnny Ive
The cheese grater was his life’s goal, now achieved.
This total bull is why I have to have a secondary mouse
gets bought by Apple
It’s not a very good cheese grater