iOS 18

I kinda like the app :joy:

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Iā€™m pretty sure I didnā€™t gloss over any use whatsoever for it, I said that I know you enjoy these kind of things. Edit: if I did then apologies; I didnā€™t mean to. You and your friends will use it but thatā€™s no more evidential than nobody I knowing who will.

As for a wedding, youā€™re quite right; but Iā€™m sorry this doesnā€™t even come close to that level. Itā€™s literally a time and place and weather app right now. You couldnā€™t possibly organise a whole wedding around it. If you can, absolutely hats off to you because thereā€™s a reason plenty of folk have an actual person planning these kind of things!

Of course itā€™ll be used. It looks great. Like I said originally. Itā€™s just horrendously underwhelming. It barely merits a new app, seems to only (yet again) focus on one market (US) for, as you say, larger events, and even then itā€™s not quite enough in my opinion to use for larger events.

If I was in US high school sure, might be helpful to know whoā€™s coming to my party, but thatā€™s really not a useful use of time for Apple to be focusing (again, in my opinion).

Like I said above; youā€™ll use it and your friends will, so Apple will have plenty of users who will use it.

I just donā€™t think itā€™ll kick off. Iā€™d be shocked if this app is even talked about in 1-2 years time. But then again Iā€™ve been shocked before so who knows.

Edit edit: I can see youā€™re replying but it feels like one youā€™re coming back and forth to so Iā€™m not ignoring you if I donā€™t respond Iā€™m heading into work :innocent:

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Itā€™s a heck of a lot more than that though.

Itā€™s fundamentally an RSVP manager. (replacing the paper invites, spreadsheets, and all the admin associated with managing your RSVPs).

  • It tracks replies
  • You can broadcast a note/update to your guestlist.
  • Any change made to the event notifies your guest list so they can update their RSVP if necessary.
  • It integrates into a shared photo album, so the photos everyone takes will be available to everyone if recipients opt in.
  • It integrates into Apple Music playlists, so guests can contribute to any music that might be played at the event.
  • It provides the weather forecast hyperlocal to the location and time of the event.
  • It provides travel directions, along with a time to leave from your current location so you know when it leave.
  • And of course, it integrates into your calendar too.

Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll have missed something. My playing with it hasnā€™t been terribly thorough.

Thereā€™s a whole lot of useful (IMO) functionality baked into this that makes event planning easier for large groups. But I think itā€™s also overkill and not very useful for something like a coffee meetup between a few friends to catch up. So I think weā€™ll have to agree to disagree. :slight_smile:


Iā€™ve done this over nothing but email. Telephone, too, years ago! I donā€™t see the point of this app at all.

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Ha ha - thatā€™s in my ā€œOtherā€ folder along with everything else Iā€™ve never used :slightly_smiling_face:

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Me too! But it took a lot more effort than I would have liked so Iā€™ve never planned one since.

Invites app looks niche but nice for what it is.

Ultimately Iā€™d still use WhatsApp (or even Facebook) as Iā€™d never only be inviting people with iPhones.

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You donā€™t have to - anyone can RSVP :slight_smile:

I can definitely see the value in it, 100%. I canā€™t be bothered chasing people for RSVPs for big events, and all that sort of thing. So itā€™ll help with that.

Also, if you have mixed groups of people that you donā€™t want to throw in one WhatsApp group (or who donā€™t use WhatsApp) etc, itā€™s easier to just send out invites. Ie. if Iā€™m hosting a summer party, and inviting Friends, Family & Work Colleagues. Aint no way Iā€™m giving work people my familyā€™s numbers! :joy: But they can come socialise in person at my house etc.


RSVP is only one (basic) feature.

E.g. the shared photos arenā€™t going to work on Android and heaven forbid youā€™re one of the few people that use Spotify!

Feels like Monzo Shared Tabs. Very useful if everyone you hang around with is into the hot coral, but of limited use to most people.


I realise Iā€™m a bit behind on this but Iā€™m enjoying making my own emojis. Simple, easy and fun!

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Everyone was waiting on iOS 18.4 beta but seems like Apple are testing iOS 18.3.1, so we will probably see this before another beta.