iOS 18

Bit of an odd one, but like with most of these kind of issues it’s usually a setting that the user has enabled and forgotten about which is the cause.

A few things to check:

If you go to the settings of the Music app, do you have Home Sharing turned on?

And on the playlist in question, has your partner checked that Collaboration isn’t enabled?

Has your partner setup a profile in AM? Click photo at top right of app, and if they haven’t it will just say ‘Set up profile’

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Home Sharing is off (in fact we’re not even signed into it under Setting), and they don’t have an AM profile. This hasn’t been an issue for years until the other day the playlist just popped up.

I can see their name under the playlist but can’t remove it. I’d understand if they had an AM profile and published the playlist but for all intents and purposes this is as private a playlist as it gets.

It’s a bit concerning as I tend to keep privacy settings at their highest too, and wouldn’t want Joe Bloggs getting access to my account info, whatever that may be…

I do wonder if it’s an iOS 18 Beta bug then, as it was this version that they added the playlist collaboration feature wasn’t it? So it would make sense for that to be the cause.

Are you both on iOS 18 Dev Beta or just your device?

Just me

According to the below article, the issue you’re describing has been around as far back as 16.3.1 for certain users, caused by a server-side bug.

Potential fix:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone
  2. Touch your Apple ID profile picture at the top.
  3. Select the iCloud option from the list.
  4. Choose the Show All option.
  5. Toggle off Music in the list, then turn it back on again.

Source: An Apple Music privacy bug exposes other people’s playlists (

Updated version iOS 18 Beta 3 is out :eyes:


I just had that but I was already on Beta 3?

Ended up with build iOS 18.0 (22A5307i) but didn’t take note of the build before I applied this one.

Ah, read the article. Bug fixes.

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Previous build: iOS 18.0 (22A5307f)

The I is for “interesting” as we’re further away from a stable release with the revised build

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Hey guys, it’s Brandon

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I’m surprised he didn’t know that emoji’s are broken on some iPhones (like mine) so that is why it was reverted back to the iOS 17 version. It looks like it wasn’t tailored to the zoomed in display setting.


iOS 18 Public beta is out, makes sense why they rereleased dev beta 3 now

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So are they essentially the same thing from here on out, or will the dev beta still be a slightly more experimental version of the software?

i.e would there be any potential stability gain to be had by moving from dev to public beta at this point?

I believe the dev beta tends to be the same but a few days before. So if there’s a catastrophic failure the PB channel is less likely to be hit.


Emoji have gone small again.

Yes. It was covered up in the thread :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ah I thought they meant their phone was reverted back to iOS 17 version, not emoji.

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Nah, Dunsford has issues as they use a zoomed in screen

This basically. In previous years it often made sense to go to the public beta for a few reasons:

  1. It was always more stable and more secure
  2. It had a much faster update cycle post main release - so the best of both worlds.

Currently the dev betas have, compared to some other years, been exceptionally stable so for me the risk is worth it.


Think it was @Chapuys ?