If you haven't moved over, what's stopping you from making Monzo your main bank?

Ah ok, so you’d rather have no enrichment?


No enrichment would make a very dull looking feed :yawning_face:

I understand some peoples frustrations from reading the merchant corrections improvement topic, but for me it’s pretty much always spot on :ok_hand:


Agreed, I find very few that are wrong, even fewer that are completely wrong, things like one Lidl being called ‘Lidl’ and another being called ‘Lidl GB’ doesn’t bother me in the slightest, nor does the location, I don’t tend to forget where or when I spent money.

For ones that are completely wrong, I just submit a correction and make a note on the transaction should I ever need to know, which I don’t think I’ve ever had to.


You’ll see the raw merchant name in the transaction details screen too if you’re so inclined, below your spending history

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I’d rather have none than have transactions listed at places I haven’t been to. Only being able to find out where they really were by going into the details screen and looking for the merchant info at the bottom.

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How many transactions would you say are so wrong that it’s impossible for you to know where you’ve spent money?

Just wondered, as looking at the topic where people report these there is only the odd one or two now and then.

Thanks for elaborating! Mind if I ask a few more questions?
Does that happen often or is it the risk that it could that stops you from moving over fully?
What do you use Monzo for at the moment?
What situations do you see yourself going back over old transactions in your other bank?

It doesn’t happen regularly but when it does it’s a big issue for me. It’s one place for me and I’ve seen someone else report it happening elsewhere.

If hadn’t been to the place I made the transaction at or the place it says I made the transaction at, before - then I wouldn’t have noticed and wouldn’t know. That’s a huge issue.

I reported it in app and on the live chat but it was dismissed. I’d suggest that they just delete the enriched data for merchants affected - that would be a quick fix.

One transaction at a place you don’t often go to? That doesn’t sound like a huge issue to me.

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I go there (and the place it’s being reported as) several times a week.

I meant errors like this aren’t widespread (as far as I know).

It’s a huge issue not being able to tell where I’ve spent money by looking at my feed.

The beauty of Monzo is that payment notifications are instant, so that should help minimise the panic you might feel seeing an unrecognised merchant in your history.

You should also try submitting the request to change it again, I’ve not known of anyone asking for merchant corrections through chat, so if you’re not sure where to do this just let us know. Hopefully it gets picked up soon :slight_smile:

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I submitted the correction in app and by chat. In-app over a week ago.

There is a tenancy on this board to minimise issues. Bit fan-boy-ish :slight_smile:

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There’s a tendency to over exaggerate issues on this board too.


I was trying to help you, what on earth are you talking about? :confused:


That wasn’t in reply to your post. Just a general observation. I’ve had a lot of, that’s not an issue type comments in this and other threads.

It’s like going round in circles over the merchant data errors, I doubt most people are bothered about it to be fair. Nature of the app means all spending gets a notification as and when a transaction goes through, that’s good enough for 99.9% of users I guess.

I’m laughing that you think I’m a fan boy of Monzo.


Go on. You know you want to CASS your account to Monzo really! :joy:


I do, I’ve done it twice since 2016 but always backed out a few months later! It’s just little niggles.

You aren’t the only one :(.

Hopefully one day it’ll be more than £1k every six months!!!