Ice Cream Chat 🍦

Since you’re all obsessed with air fryers why doesn’t someone start a YouTube channel about them to compete with the will it blend guy?

I don’t even have an air frier. I’m just seeing what I can air fry, were I to buy an air frier, then it might encourage me to buy one and start my million pound YouTube “Will it Fry” channel.


Delia Smith has a good recipe:

Ben & Jerry’s is the best. A scoop of like Hagen Dazs is okay, but give me a large B&J tub with chunks of caramel and brownies and I’ll eat the lot.

Also a McFlurry fan.

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This, plain, with a scalding hot Apple pie mixed in (not sure where I seen it, but I’ve had it a few times since).

Interesting but complimentary mix.


Surely you have to be a McEmployee to get that? You can’t just order that right :joy:

Oh just buy them separate, home, mash pie into ice cream, live happy.

I’ve such a sweet tooth :sweat_smile:


Just the one left eh? Better lay off the apple pie McFlurrys :stuck_out_tongue:


Trying this after work tomorrow, I’ll post a video.