I redesigned the Monzo Debit Card! What are your thoughts?

When I see another Monzo card I always think to myself “eeee, another monzo-naut!!” :man_astronaut:


Exactly! That moment when you buy something and the cashier is like “It’s all about the Monzo card” xD


I designed a couple of new card designs after Starling had launched there vertical cards as it seems like monzo need to refresh there card design. Introducing ‘Coral Blue’ & ‘Pink Panther’. Feedback is Welcome :slight_smile:

IMG_20180725_170543 IMG_20180810_114724


This is because of the colour of the card and not the design :wink:

I feel that Monzo card is ripe for a refresh. Keep the colour but introduce new, modern solutions for Monzo card. It will represent progressive thinking which is what Monzo stands for :face_with_monocle:

Now these are certainly different to what we’ve seen before! I wonder what that design would look like in hot coral…? :thinking:

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I’ll have a play in Photoshop and see what i can produce. :slight_smile:


Free publicity people instantly think monzo or ask what’s that it’s cool

You could add the monzo logo along with the words monzo on the front add more than just monzo in words on it but I still think you need to stick with the monzo colour hot coral

I have permanent tsb card in Ireland they have standard colour or you can personalise it with picture but I use standard


Though virgin money use a picture on their card unique to them image image

Cards without raised numbers are generally prepaid or electronic use only and can’t be used when card machine is offline status or when on manual use like using old style methods or over the phone and typing number in to machine as you can’t do that to those cards so you must have raised numbers on the card

I think raised numbers is probably a bit old fashioned now. If card machines go down some places write out your card details on an old fashioned slip, rather than use the old imprint slider, and Starling has just taken the decision to remove raised numbers from its brand new debit card.


My virgin credit card numbers aren’t raised and are on the back of the card.

Use it the same way as any other card…


Technically non embossed cards are classed as electronic use only and can’t be used by carbon copy machines and certain other uses


when was the last time you saw one/one being used (carbon copy machine)?

For me… 2005, but internet/electricity is more reliable in the sticks now (highland Perthshire)

ASDA 2017 and 2018


I’ve seen them used by Apple in the past few years too.


A bar in Vegas in January. Their card machines were down. Lucky, as if they’d been able to connect, they’d have known my card had been stopped :rofl:

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Stand corrected! Although defo doesn’t surprise me with Asda…

Non raised numbers are generally used by many prepaid cards and electronic use only cards and to get card with raised numbers and full use you go though credit checks and cards without raised numbers don’t work on Apple Pay as banks etc don’t give people with those cards use of Apple Pay as these customers are generally bad risk bad credit poor credit score category

That’s a massive generalisation that is not universally true as already proven in this thread. A card is just a bit of plastic which may be constructed in any number of ways.


As I said to you before, you’re about twenty years out of date. Transactions are all moving to being authorised online where possible. Starling disproves your ‘bad risk’ theory. What we’re seeing, after 50 years of plastic cards, is a shift to v2.0 where raised numbers are pretty much redundant.

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Raised numbers don’t fade of the card and disappear like printed numbers has anyone combated the fact numbers used needs to be protected from wear and tear

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