First of all, I’m not sure if this is just me, or something that others are thinking about, so I thought I’d just throw it out there…
I’m one of the lucky people who were invited to try the new current account - great! Looks good, and seems to work well. However, unlike the prepay version, I think I’d be far less likely to walk someone else through the various screens to show it off and convert someone to the Monzo cause.
Why? Well, it’ll have all the details on my salary, what I pay for rent/mortgage, any finance related direct debits etc. Perhaps I don’t want everyone to know that I couldn’t quite afford the new shiny car I got last month, and am in fact paying some shady finance company for it…
My point is that unlike the prepay card, where I’m basically showing off how much beer I bought, walking someone through the current account carries a lot more private information with it, and so people may be less likely to do it.
I don’t have a solution for this - perhaps explainer videos, perhaps dummy data, who knows?
I thought it was worth a mention as Monzo has done so well out of the viral nature of the product, and it’d be a shame to dent that.