A category which bundles transactions for health and fitness purchases, such as protein shakes, vitamin pills, and also gym memberships.
This will allow users to see how much their diet and healthy lifestyle is costing them and maybe help reduce it (hopefully still stay healthy and fit!)
That’s a great idea. You think that would fit in something named “Lifestyle” or something like that? Are you missing any other relevant categories?
I’m in huge agreement with this. I’ve just run through quite a few threads about categories, most want custom categories, but all mention health / well being in their custom list as well as direct requests like this. In our day and age it’s such a big industry simply because people spend so much and companies are ump so much into the industry.
This category could be called “Health and Fitness Expenses” or “Wellness Spending”. It would include purchases related to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as gym memberships, workout gear, supplements, and healthy food options.
By tracking expenses in this category, users can better understand how much they are spending on their health and fitness, which can help them make more informed decisions about their purchases. Additionally, it may motivate them to find more cost-effective ways to maintain their healthy lifestyle, such as cooking meals at home instead of eating out or finding cheaper gym memberships.
Overall, this type of expense tracking can promote financial wellness in addition to physical wellness, by encouraging users to prioritize their health without overspending.
This thread is 7 years old (bravo for searching) but since then Monzo have given users the ability to create up to 50 custom categories for whatever you wish. You would need to subscribe to Plus/Premium.