Proud to be above average
Would it be awfully pedantic of me to point out what while the article is hosted on the Huardian website, it’s actually from the Observer (effectively the Sunday Guardian). You can even see the words “The Observer” in the thumbnail picture.
A lot of people here will no doubt be above that average.
But if that average is across ALL Monzo users, then that is seriously impressive - each user checks the app twice a day every day (on average)? Wow.
Yes it would. The pedants are revolting.
(But I hadn’t noticed, and yes it is. I use the Graun app so don’t always notice which “'paper” an article originates in.)
Off topic - anyone tried Guardian Weekly? They’ve an introductory subscription offer on I was thinking about trying. Can’t justify the newspaper any more but I do miss printed copy…
No. The average user checks the app twice a day. Not each user averages 2 app checks a day.
I’d go with “The average number of app checks per day per user is 2.”
*but forum users are hard core
I’d say this thread has gone from interesting to down-right riveting
Actually, the average user checks the app (slightly more than) twice a day on average.
I’d say it was average
I think the comments regarding the blocks could probably have been stated in a way that’s less interpretable.
As a Monzo user my guess would be that it would be a self-exclusion block the way the gambling one works, but for an average non-Monzo user the headline ‘no alcohol or tobacco’ doesn’t come across as something you can simply swap yourself. It’s more of an attention grab though if the media makes it sound more extreme.
That’s just being “mean”.
(See what I did there ? )
On a serious note - you’re right, the ‘block’ could easily be interpreted quite differently by those not familiar with the introduction of the original gambling control feature.
And it clearly has in this topic.
Yup, but we’re all Monzo users (I guess) and we know more than most about how Monzo works and the features available.
Someone may have seen Monzo’s adverts and know the name, then read this and could easily interpret that the CEO wants to block alcohol and tobacco to keep everyone off them.
I would bet a lot of money to say that Tom actually said “if people would like to use it”
Newspapers twist everything.
My mate had like a 50 word article in a local newspaper once, somebody tried to rob him with a pen knife. It got changed to machete.
Like come on everybody, do you really think Tom would impose something like that?
Anne Boden would have a field day
Seriously, what’s trashy or appalling about the article? As far as I can see, it’s a perfectly reasonable article which a small number of forum members seem determined to deliberately misinterpret.
I liked this because of the last word.
I think Tom sometimes gets trapped by reporters. His earnest nature leads him to be exceptionally honest, and this is great and what makes Monzo such a good brand. But the reporters often have a different agenda: A story to tell. Which ideally has a mix of controversy in there.
“But alcohol and cigarettes are the two I would really love to put a block on”
Should have really been something like:
“But alcohol and cigarettes are the two I would really love customers to have control if they want to put their own block on”
It’s just an experience thing I think, he’ll get more careful as he sees his words twisted.
I’m no poster-boy () but I can’t for the life of me see where the issues are. I don’t see anything pointed within the article and frankly if readers want to weave in some sort of sinister sub-plot on the part of Monzo, that’s their choice. But really…
Sometimes articles are just that - articles. No surprises - no revelations - just a bank in progress.
Now that’ll upset a few… (and me thin-skinned too).
Including someone who’s professionally aghast whenever Monzo does anything, and someone who seemingly joined the forum specifically to express their outrage and hasn’t been back since. Recchan are you still here?