Flying with easyJet

I also had Monzo refused on EasyJet on Friday (29/06). The explanation was “we don’t take Monzo or Revolut because we don’t get the money” I pointed out that it was a regular MasterCard, a current account and not a pre-paid card but they were not going to budge!

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I flew with EasyJet on Tuesday and had this problem. I didn’t bother arguing but glad it’s being looked into. I thought I’d got to the point where I don’t have to carry around a backup card (although I still do)

I had the same issue on Tuesday (17th July).

No explanation other than the flight attendant had received an email informing them to not accept Monzo cards.

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I fly with EasyJet every few months, but haven’t had a card declined (yet).

I really want to order food, open all the packets, and when they refuse the card say, “Thanks for the free food.”

I live in hope!


Had an update from my mate who works for EasyJet, he said he hasn’t heard anything since the original memo went out.

Sounds like reaching out via Mastercard isn’t working - time for Tom to email Stelios: “WTF, dude?”

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I don’t think Stelios has a say anymore?


What was the original memo?

Essentially telling all crew not to accept Monzo bank cards as the money never comes through :man_shrugging:t3:

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Gonna give this a go next week! Flying to Paris with them so might have a baguette or two.

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Sure, wasn’t sure which way around the note was

Hi @HughWells, another one here!

The cabin staff on my easyJet flight (EZY8395 on 23 July) just refused my Monzo card for an inflight purchase because the “money doesn’t come out of my account”.

Apparently they were warned recently not to accept Monzo cards. I know this is an ongoing issue - I’m just surprised that easyJet bosses are still telling staff not to accept.

I guess it depends on the crew. I made an inflight purchase in the Spring which never appeared on my account for whatever reason (I suppose it was never presented to Monzo :man_shrugging:).

On the other hand, I used my Monzo card on an easyJet flight last month, and they didn’t question it.

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Can we use Apple Pay on EasyJet yet?

They swipe the cards don’t they?

I’ll ask my mate what they accept…

As far as I recall, you can’t use contactless on EasyJet. If you could, you could pay without them knowing what card you were using.

I think it’s C&P?

Yeah I was hoping you could then just tap and be done with it, not flown them for ages.

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I flew with them last year and I honestly can’t remember. I use my Lloyds card at the time.

I’ve always used my Monzo, even when it was Prepay

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