Flux: The End of Paper Receipts & Loyalty Cards

So… is this still in closed beta? Any news on expanding into more retailers?

and outside of the London bubble! :wink:


I mean they have currently integrated only with EAT and pod which I believe are nationwide chains?

Seems like Pret, Wasabi, Leon & other similar food chains are likely the natural ground for expansion…

I would hope for someone bigger like a Nero. Yoyo wallet are the company behind that. They have 800+ High Street Outlets. https://www.yoyowallet.com/about.html

Does anyone have an idea of when Flux will be offered to all Monzo customers? I currently use it with my Starling account and would love to have the functionality with Monzo.

Yoyowallet seems like something that would work well if pretty much everyone used it, like WeChat in China. But scanning a QR code here seems like a bit of a backwards step.

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How have you found it? From their website it looks like the only merchants that support it are EAT and Pod: https://www.tryflux.com/retailer.

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Their support of different retailers is limited but I’ve found the integration with Starling to be pretty good. The loyalty card aspect works seamlessly. You just buy however many coffees (5 I think) and once you’ve bought the 5th one, you receive the 5th for free. So you’ll pay for it then get a refund on it immediately.


That loyalty thing is really cool! Hopefully in the future Monzo and Starling could recognise that loyalty feature of Flux and show a transaction item that makes it clear all or part of it was free, rather than showing two transactions: One for the purchase and another for the refund.

Either way, I think that’s pretty cool.

Used it once, and the receipt looked great, but uptake by retailers is pretty much non-existent, which is a shame.

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Looks like they’ve managed to grab a less London-centric retailer (we even have Costa Coffee oop North!), although the initial trial is only a few retailers in that London :tired_face: for now.


Ooo, so stuffs still happening :mage: Good to know!

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Hi everyone :wave:

Apologies for the radio silence from our side - what you’ve seen in the announcement has been keeping us super busy! We’re very happy to be making big steps in bringing much more retail coverage to customers and this is just the beginning of what’s to come… :wink:

We are still extremely keen to offer Flux to all Monzo users and trying hard to make this happen, when there’s more clarity I’ll share. I’m sorry to be saying this again but we’ll update when we can.

If you’re keen to express interest in Flux get your voice heard here


It’s such an annoyingly obvious thing in this day and age I wish retailers and banks and everyone in-between could come up with a common standard together. But at least Flux is trying :+1:


This won’t happen because the entire industry is based on lies, deception, secrets and dark patterns.

An universal & easy to use loyalty card would not be in the best interests of the merchants involved because then every single one of them gets the same data and there is less friction to redeem the rewards (some of them bank on the fact that it’s so hard to redeem them than many don’t bother).


To be clear I’m not so interested in the loyalty aspect of Flux, more the digital itemised receipt. Although I bet a lot of businesses take into account the benefits of lost paper receipts. :thinking:

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Well they kinda have that through AliPay in China, I’m actually pretty impressed at how well it works :slight_smile:

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If flux do this right and are the first to get paperless receipts in the UK they could make this as successful as the Tesco club card for user data and predicting peoples buying habits!


this is amazing.

  1. only what you have shown in the video.
  2. i would actually use loyalty points if this level of integration was achieved, i currently don’t bother.
  3. don’t mind the idea, but only if i click a button to see them.
  4. i don’t want to see anything, just saved in the background for future use if needed.
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That’s exactly how Flux works now :smiley: