Flux: thank you and goodbye

I thought that it was available in app, by tapping on the transaction maybe?

I’d love to see a major supermarket get on board, or all of them in-fact all of them. Supermarkets I would imagine probably generate the largest usage as thats generally where you will buy the longest list of items.

I love the concept of Flux but there needs to be more people getting on board. That said, someone as nationally available as KFC is definitely a step in the right direction.


I chatted to the manager and he didn’t know about it, but did also say he’d only been there for a couple of weeks. He was very nice and took my email and said he would contact his IT department and let me know what story is.

Definitely no digital receipt. “Add receipt” option for paper receipts available too.

Hi sorry to hear this! Just seen you posted the transaction view we’ll look into this ASAP on the Flux side.


I’ve just purchased a KFC, linked the transaction to Flux with no problems… however, the digitial receipt within my Monzo app is incorrect. It contains items I did not buy.

You probably meant this is tongue in cheek…

But id actually love this, bet365 and skybet as apposed to two you mentione however :laughing:

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Hi can you please send an email to help@tryflux.com with a screenshot of the receipt? We’ll look into this ASAP! If easier we also have chat support on our website at www.tryflux.com

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Seems to be a definite lack of knowledge/training. Went around the corner to Itsu and asked if they do digital receipts and the person serving me had no idea.

This time though I did receive a digital receipt. Showed the person serving me and she, okay that’s great! I had to agree :slightly_smiling_face:

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Understand this can be frustrating, but most managers aren’t trained on Flux since we just work in the background without interfering with their checkout process. Noted that this is not the best experience on the customer experience side - great feedback thank you

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Just had a KFC, got a diet coke but shows ‘diet’

Also im sure your in talks with KFC today so see how things are running, can you let them know that we are still getting paper receipts, i get the staff do not know we are on Monzo, but they use to ask if one is required, id rather not get one if i were to be asked. Theres no point of digital recipes if you get a printed one as well


A subliminal message to eat less KFC? :rofl:


What this you speak of “eat less KFC” :joy::joy::joy:


Just to confirm, Flux will not work if you use Curve with Monzo?
Looks like I’ll have to start carrying a second card again…

@veroniquebarbosa are there plans to work with Curve?

Why not just use Apple/Google/Samsung pay?

Never really understood the popularity of Curve when these phone solutions work so well :man_shrugging:

The ability to go back in time and change the card used to pay is a major factor. Plus all your transactions, from all your different cards, in one place and categories.


Unsure if anyone has asked this but…

Has anyone who has a Monzo and a Starling card tried to use both with a retailer yet that provides the loyalty and how does this work?

If not @veroniquebarbosa what are flux’s plans around this? :slight_smile:

Will this be treated on a per flux account basis or a per card basis?

Worked a treat! There was a short delay between paying and appearing in the Monzo app, but that’s not a major worry. It would be nice if staff at places supported by Flux could be trained to ask if a receipt is necessary instead of assuming the customer wants one - though I think KFC still have to print one for the order number :unamused:



No unfortunately we’re not supporting Curve at the moment and no plans to work together just yet

Yes! We already work with EAT. who run not 1 but 2 loyalty schemes via Flux for hot lunch and also for coffee loyalty. Details are on our blog :grinning: