Flux: thank you and goodbye

Super interesting but email and PDF receipts are not an area of focus right now for us (also responding to @LifeofRiley) but e-commerce receipts in general are something we can in fact handle. Given limited resource on our side (in terms of people/time) we want to stay focused right now on digitising data where it doesn’t currently exist and then in future we want to think about aggregating existing digital receipt data.


McDs, Pret and independents via iZettle (since their system is quite centralized and dev friendly) will sort so many of the “what did I even have there”!


Thanks to our partnership with Flux, you’ll now be able to see receipts for purchases at selected retailers in your Monzo app!


Great work!
Really looking forward to seeing this evolve, not just in terms of participating retailers, but also the way loyalty programmes work and so forth.

Does this work outside of London?

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How does Flux make money. Do Monzo pay for integration? Do Flux get paid by retailers? Flux claim not to pass on contact info, but stop short of saying identifying information :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

I have a long privacy policy to read…


Hahaha. Good one


Yes :slight_smile:
Their location map shows retailers dotted across the UK.
My closest is EAT in Birmingham.

Flux is a great idea and integration, just needs more retailers (big names)

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Ah cool thanks. The map only loaded with London visible and didn’t seem to load much. Probably didn’t give it long enough!

I used it in Manchester today


Very good point.
I think it should load at the zoom level that shows the UK as a whole.
Of course it’ll still show a massive proportion in London, but hopefully it’ll alleviate the perception of it being a London only thing :slight_smile:
cc: @Flux


do i need to sign up to flux or is this automatic?

Should be automatic when you do a purchase at any of the supported retailers.
It’ll ask for permission to connect with Flux and you just have to accept it.:slight_smile:

You need to sign up, but this happens within the Monzo app – more like enabling a feature. The option to do this appears if you look at the details on any transaction at one of the Flux partners (currently Eat, pod, itsu I think). If you want to enable it without having used one of the partners, go to the Help tab and search for Flux. There’s a help topic about it with an enable button.

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It would be great if these integrations could have a central place within Monzo app (settings maybe) to manage them or turn them off.


I think the intention is to not overload people with features they may not ever see actually in use. For example, I don’t use any of the supported retailers, so there’s no reason for me to turn it on.

Crisps AND a millionaire shortbread? Greedy boy! :wink:


But I’ve turned it on and have to contact customer services to turn it off. A central place to view these integrations would be helpful imo as I may forget which ones I’ve activated


I’ve merged a thread from @Sheri, our Product Marketing Manager, into this one, with our latest blog post on our Flux integration :relaxed: