Maybe the process changed then, must’ve been a good 20+ minute call for me.
When did you apply? It was about this time last year for me.
Edit: I’ve realised it was actually two years ago, so it’s possible that they have become stricter and ask more questions since then.
I’m not too sure tbf.
Edit: March 2024, maybe it was just the colleague.
I was a customer a few years ago and wanted to rejoin, so I just applied as a new customer on their website.
The application said ‘we’ll be in touch’ then I was called the next day and they ran through the application etc. They reset my old login details.
Yes, this is what I suspect will happen. So probably faster to just call them.
FD usually throw some error if you have or had an account with them; I’d call them just to save time overall.
With the FD Gold credit card, can you view the card details and pin within the app?
No. It feels like a legacy system bolted on to the modern app.
Ah ok fair enough, applied for it anyways.
It’s a nice design
I wondered if this is because it is a Visa card rather than MasterCard.
Also, when you contact FD for anything credit card related, they always pass you through to a different team which I always wondered if they were just HSBC under the hood.
Would also help to explain why you can’t make payments to it as a simple transfer between accounts but have to set it up as an external payee!
Possibly… my current account sort code shows as:
Whereas the credit card sort code to send payment to shows:
First Direct are HSBC under the hood, but with some add ons.
Even on the backend system they use in HSBC branches can tap into your FD accounts, so the integration is fairly deep.
It could also just be that there’s one credit card team within HSBC that service all of the brands - FD, HSBC UK, M&SFS etc.
Thank you, yeah it looks like it could cause me more hassle in the long run.
I’m autistic and absolutely hate phone calls, so was trying to avoid the application call, but looks like I may just have to do it!
First Direct is a “telephone” bank from the get go so while it’s evolved they are still well know for excellent support albeit via telephone
This shouldn’t really annoy me but I can imagine it will eventually. Same way the avail balance doesn’t show on the Home Screen. Also don’t believe the not showing pin for credit card is for security purposes. It’s more like their shite systems.
It’s mentioned above that FD is a telephone bank and I’ve had my account for a number of years. Over the years I’ve developed hearing issues and on occasion find it difficult to hear particularly if there’s background noise from nearby agents. There’s no facility to transfer my call to a quieter area. Other banks provide this. I thought they’d be a little more understanding but to no avail unfortunately. I try to avoid calling now, however their CS is very good normally.
Both those responses sound like
Would this help you at all?:
Deaf, hearing or speech impaired | first direct
Next Generation Text Services (NGTS)
This is a national service that helps people with hearing loss access the telephone system without the need for specialist equipment. To use it, just choose one of the options below and you’ll be connected to an assistant who can relay your conversation for you.
You can contact them by:
- downloading the App from the NGTS websiteOpens an overlay [Will show a security message first]
- calling them on 18001 03456 002 423.
Once it’s set up, you can add the 18001 prefix to any direct phone number to contact us with the help of the text relay service.