Faster payment / transfer

Hi, I’m building an application and I’ll need the ability to programmatically send funds to an account I’ve already done a manual transfer too.

I cannot see any of this in the docs…?

Is it not Think you may need to be classed/registered as a “PISP” to initiate a transfer, as it’s not something you’d want to give Joe Bloggs access to.

I’m not building anything I’d want other people to use. I have another system I’m currently writing, and I’d like to able to code faster payments from ‘my account’ to a place I’ve already made manual payments to.

As it stands, this step (i.e. the faster payment) is the only ‘manual’ operation in a fully automated pipeline.

oooh, it looks as if I “might” be able to do the FPS via that payment initiation service…

Hey @skivy71

Just wanted to see if you managed to achieve this with a personal access token? I’m looking to do something similar with a business account