Euro 2024


Ref’s been done for match fixing… maybe he is doing it FOR England….

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I don’t usually follow it, however did tonight, simply because I put a £10 bet on England, I won £25. So that’s cool

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Thoughts on the final?

  • England win
  • Spain win
0 voters

It’s coming home :england: :soccer::trophy:

Coz I have 'em in the works sweepstakes, so it has to :pound: :pound: :pound:

Bastard thing is - We’re in the air without Starlink/WiFi for the whole final and won’t know the result until we land unless the aircrew announce it (not unknown) mid-flight…

Then again, 2 weeks all-inclusive in the sun, so every ‘cloud’…

PS> Southgate is still wearing the same light cream zip-neck polo top.

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I agree.


I am satisfied that it wasn’t a flippant decision made. The incident happened, and the referee watched in on VAR, awarded a penalty and also a yellow card, so while I did say “not a penalty” it also wasn’t a situation where an obvious thing was just flippantly missed by the referee. There was time for them to consider and in their professional opinion it was a penalty. I’m in no way in a position to argue with their experience, unless some of us here are professional international referees.

I haven’t followed football since around 2004 but I’m going to say Spain. :joy:

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I honestly thought Netherlands would win last night but…

So my money’s on England for Sunday.


Come on England! :england:

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are we getting a bank hol?

Well its not looking good right now lol.

So, I evidently don’t bet a lot, how do I figure out who is the “home” team and who is the “away” team? Considering it is held in Germany, there is no “home” team

Should be clear that I understand the concept of a home and away team, if it was hosted in England, then the home team would be England, I think

Spain are the” home“ team. The teams are always listed “home” then “away.”


We’re getting one in NI tomorrow either way :grin:

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Oooh, I was completely wrong :joy:

Quite a boring first half.

Still feeling a bit Spanish today mind you. I have been to Spain more times than I have been to England so it only makes sense. I go to England for work and work makes me sad. I go to Spain for sun, relaxation and all inclusive fun. So Spain it is for me tonight. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::ceuta_and_melilla::ceuta_and_melilla::ceuta_and_melilla:


Ah well obvs wasn’t going to win, who could have predicted that :eyes:

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@AlanDoe you can lock this thread now :joy:


Sure we don’t want to keep it open for the next 3 months worth of excuses? :rofl:

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I thought we had a chance to be honest