X (formerly Twitter) Discussion

Yes. But has since been critical of a handful of things on both Twitter and Nostr (another decentralised network). The thing with Jack is that he always had a rocky relationship with the board, and over time, began to believe strongly that the company going public had been the wrong move and left it vulnerable to the whims of the markets and Wall St. My suspicion is that he played to EM’s ego to get him to do the deal more than anything else, and as a middle finger to the board and the “activist investors” who had been trying to oust him for years. I didn’t think he’d effectively torch the whole company to do it, but all in all I think he as a person has some more respectable ideals… comparatively.

Bluesky was funded by Twitter money but has always operated independently and there is no code shared.


I’m reading Stolen Focus at the moment; let’s face it, the only way social media is going to “benefit society” in the long run, is for it to die (which it won’t, because everyone is hooked on drinking from the dopamine firehouse).


Early start? This is on my reading list, is it any good?

Yes, very good (though I’m only a third of the way through)

So far this year I’m trying to get a wider perspective on life, so I have read: Trans; Why I’m No Longer Talking To White People About Race; Quiet; and Stolen Focus.

Next up is Austerity Britain.

Controversial: this one bored me :face_with_peeking_eye:

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I honestly don’t understand why anyone is still publishing works by Hari. I can’t trust a single word he writes.


https://12ft.io/ :shushing_face: :shushing_face:


Same tbh, clickbaity title and nothing particularly new in the content. Maybe it felt fresher on release, it’s a lot of concepts that are already well rooted by this point.

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Not particularly controversial, not every book is a page–turner for everyone.

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I don’t want to make claims to being a Cassandra, but this

likening the platform to a building that seems fine from the outside, but inside is “on fire”.

seemingly vindicates much of my position.

I’ll certainly be watching Panorama at 8pm tonight.


So I just tried to follow a link from a Twitter user’s bio to their website…

{“errors”:[{“message”:“Your current API plan does not include access to this endpoint, please see Twitter API Documentation | Docs | Twitter Developer Platform for more information”,“code”:467}]}

Tried with two different users, same errrors.


Update: literally any link


It’s not exactly a new thing though, it’s what ‘insiders’ have been saying since the day Elon Musk bought Twitter.

But also that’s what pretty much all people at companies who have gone through mass lay offs say. And obviously people don’t tend to like being sacked or asked to do more work than before so there’s a lot of bias involved.

I’m not saying it’s wrong, but you do need to filter the views through a certain lens.


It is kinda like then a washing machine has broken and someone has come to fix it. They say ‘ooh don’t buy a Bosch in the future, they are most of my callouts’. Well yes, that is because you specialise in repairing Bosch machines - you never get called out to a working one!




Thread Part 2

I believe this is a true mic drop moment.


Cannot put into words the contempt that Musk’s quoted tweet there deserves. It’s a horrifying way to treat a human being, never mind an (ex-) employee.


Halli is a good dude. Had a lot of respect for him for a long time now, and worked with some of his team.

The callousness and contempt being displayed here is beyond the pale.


Revealing confidential information about someone’s disability to attack them on social media. Even for Elon Musk this is low.


Musk finally realises that he’s dig himself into a massive hole that will cost him millions, and tries to get the hell out again.