eBay Listings

I…I have no words…

I get that the buyers would still be in profit but surely this is a complete misuse of the scheme?


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Why are people paying when all you have to do is search Monzo on twitter?


Ha - it’s genius though - a very easy way to earn some quick (extra) cash on top of the £5 earned as part of the switch :joy:

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Time to get in on it, I’ma sell some at 50p each.

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Doesn’t look like anybody’s bought any though :thinking:

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Yeah, I don’t see why anyone would do this.

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I’ve raised this with monzo to find out if this is ok.

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I would be very surprised to hear it is.

Unless it’s @tom’s new money making venture.

Golden Tickets have been on sale for ages, but it’s difficult and time-consuming to take action, but we’ll keep an eye on it.


Reminds me of when GMail was new and invites were going for crazy money.


Why does it matter? Seems like good initiative to me.


What action, tho. Are the listings breaking eBay policy in any way?

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Assuming that eBay expect a listing to accurately describe what you are buying, then the listing above would break that rule as it claims the golden ticket allows you to skip the queue for signing up. Maybe I am wrong, but I didn’t think there was a queue any longer?

Queue’s been gone for ages.

Was posted a little while back and there was a comment from @simonb



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